68) Funeral

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Warnings: funeral, crying, angst

3rd person POV

"Love, are you ready?" Fred asked, knocking on a door of Y/n and his room. His fiancé stood in front of the mirror outing her cloak on. If the situation was any different and if they weren't going to funeral, Fred would have told her she looked absolutely ravishing in full Auror uniform. She would be standing with other Aurors, paying respects to Nymphadora.

"Mentally ready or ready to leave?" Y/n replied. Both Fred and Y/n had bags under their eyes. The sleep they caught last night did not last long. Soon after they fall asleep Y/n was awoken by nightmare and Fred was right b her side to comfort her. "Because one answer is 'yes' and the other's 'no' and I think you know which one answers which question."

Y/n couldn't bear watching her friends being buried. She couldn't even imagine the pain Dora's mum was going through. She had lost her husband recently and now she lost her daughter. That pain was beyond measure. And the little Teddy was the only real family she had left.

"This is not how it should have been. We should have gone to their home to meet Teddy and not to their funeral." Y/n sighed. Fred opened his arms for her, knowing that she was in a need of hug. Y/n wasted no time and already wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Life is so fucking unfair sometimes, sunshine." Fred whispered. His hand stroked up and down Y/n's spine.

"And that sucks." Y/n mumbled before reaching up to press a kiss on Fred's cheek in silent 'thank you'. She interlocked their fingers and just in time Fred reached for door knob, the door opened.

"I was just about to call you, dears." Molly stood in the hallway. A black hat on the top of her head accompanied the dress in the same color. "It's time to leave. The funeral will begin in 10 minutes." Molly wiped the corner of her eyes as the tears begun to pool.

They all gathered in Muriel's living room. making sure that all of them were ready before they disapperated. Charlie was praying that this was all the dream and he would wake up soon. He still couldn't believe that his long term friend was gone. And he didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.

Tonks was the first person he told about him dreams regarding his career. And the first person to support him. The day he was leaving for Romania she made him promise that he will write to her. As the years passed the two grew slightly apart. But they were still friends nonetheless. And now this walk through the graveyard towards the place Nymphadora Tonks Lupin would be buried felt like Charlie was burying a family member.

Bill patted his younger brother's back, having been friends with Tonks as well. He knew how Charlie felt. All of them felt the exact same way. Harry, who had Ginny tucked under his arm while she for the first time in a while actually let herself cry, kept thinking about his godson. He didn't know if he would make a good godfather to Teddy. He didn't want to mess up. Remus and Tonks trusted him enough to give him that title. But what if wasn't fit for it? He swallowed the lump in his throat as older woman and crying child came into view. Harry promised himself that he would be there for Teddy no matter what.

People had already gathered around already dug grave. Andromeda Tonks stood closest to two graves. Her grandson was crying in her arms. And she cooed at him in soft voice. That sight alone had everyone present emotional.

Y/n separated from Fred and the rest of their family. Some of her fellow Aurors were already there. The rest arriving not long after Y/n. With one last breath to compose herself, Y/n lifted Dora's coffin along with three more colleagues. The other four lifted Remus' coffin. All of them kept their chins high. But their eyes were giving up all of their emotions. Most of them were good friends with bubbly and cheerful Nymphadora Tonks and the lost of her hurt them.

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