18) The Order of the Phoenix

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Come downstairs, honey!" My mum yelled from kitchen.

I grabbed my wand from my night stand and apperated in the kitchen. Mum jumped and quickly turned around with scared look on her face causing me to laugh.

"Y/n! Don't do that!" She yelled. "You might be allowed to use magic now, but that doesn't mean you can't use stairs!"

"Sorry not sorry." I said giggling. "What did you need me for?"

"Lunch is ready. Help me make table." She said and handed me two plates.

We were sitting at the dinning table, eating and talking. Suddenly some small ball landed on table. I took a better look at it and saw it was actually an owl with letter attached on it's leg. Pigwideon. I quickly took the letter and immedietly recognized messy handwriting. Fred didn't respond to any of my letters whole summer. I thought something happened.

Hey, love

First of, i'm so sorry for not responding to any of your letters. I got them all, but mum and dad forbit all of us to write letters to anyone. I'll explain you everything. We are not at Burrow right now, but mum and dad said you can still come. Dad, George and i will pick you up in two days. Again i'm so sorry i wanted to respond to all of your letters. I miss you so much, love.

With much love
Yours truly Freddie

P.S. do you may know where my two sweaters disappeared? And congratulations on passing your apperation exams. George and i passed ours as well.

It's probably something about Voldemort, i don't know why else they didn't respond to any mine or Harry's letters. I wrote to Harry to see if he knows anything and why is no one responding but no one wrote back to him too. And Daily Prophet was covering everything up. And about Fred's sweaters, i may or may not have took them before we left school.

"What is it, N/n?" Mum asked.

"Fred finally responded." I answered, putting the letter in my pocket.

"Did something happened?" She asked again and picked plates up.

"No. Nothing happened." I said. I didn't tell her anything about Voldemort's return. She would be worried.

"Fred said i can visit them again." I told her.

"Alright, honey. You can go." Mum smiled at me.

"Thank you, mum." I smiled back.


Fred, George and Mr. Weasley will pick me up today and i was packing my trunk. I couldn't wait to see Fred again. I miss him soo much. The door of my room opened but i paid no mind, thinking it's mum.

"Wow. You won't even say hi to your boyfriend." The very well known voice said. I spoon around and saw the boy i missed soo much.

"Freddie!" I yelled happily and jumped into his open arms. I wrapped my arms around Fred's neck and my legs around his torso. Fred's arms keeping me up and holding me tight.

"I missed you, love." Fred said kissing my forehead, then my nose and my cheek.

"I missed you too, Freddie." I said smiling widely. "You got a new haircut?"

"Yeah. You like it?" Fred smiled back.

"I love it. Although i'll miss your long hair." I said ruffling his short ginger hair.

I leaned in and kissed Fred. He pulled me closer, deepening a kiss. We smiled into the kiss. We were kissing for a few moments before we were interrupted.

His Love [Fred Weasley x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat