69) A Day to Remember

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Warnings: small mentions of death, war, injuries, nightmares and PTSD in the beginning, but overall it's fluff, also it's long because I got carried away

3rd person POV

It's been months since battle took place. The war was over and the world was finally starting to heal. It'll take more time but things started falling into their places. The fallen warriors were honored and mourned. Injured have recovered. And there was no fear of being killed anymore.

Many would always bear scars of the Second Wizarding War. Some were visible, the others were not. Those scars were engraved deeply in the souls of people that survived. It would take great deal of time to finally heal from them. Some might remain forever. And the voids in the hearts of those who lost loved ones will never be filled.

Fred and Y/n had their fair share with aftermath of the war. For weeks they weren't able to sleep peacefully. Constant nightmares were interrupting their normal sleep. They always sought comfort in one another. Whenever one of them had nightmares the other was always there to comfort them.

They tried to get back to their normal lives by going back to work. It served as a good distraction to keep their thoughts away from the war during the day. But it was harder in the night. Y/n was back in Aurors Headquarters in June, much to Fred's dismay. Kingsley's orders were clear when he requested she takes time and gets at least a month off. If not more. Harry, Ron and Neville joined her as the new Aurors the same day.

The twins reopened joke shop around the middle of June. Fred couldn't help but constantly worry about Y/n whenever she was at work. He needed something to take his mind off of worst case scenarios he's been thinking off. And George and Lee agreed on opening shop again. It did good to both of them as well. The shop wasn't going great in the beginning as it did before. But Fred and George didn't let that discourage them.

Fred barely got any sleep when Y/n was sent on a mission out of country in August. They were never this much apart, even before the war. Y/n and couple of other Aurors were sent to France when they got a report on Augustus Rookwood and Antonin Dolohov being there. Y/n had a great deal of satisfaction when she threw Rookwood in his cell in Azkaban, which was now guarded by Aurors instead of Dementors.

Baby step by baby step, all of them were slowly healing. Fred and Y/n got the little apartment near the joke shop. Deciding that was the best option before getting their own house. The apartment was small and sweet and it was their little piece of heaven.

Where it was just the two of them. And soft music in the background when insomnia didn't let them sleep. While they set snuggled up in blanket. Warm baths with scented candles were prepared when the nightmares woke one of them up. When the only thing they wanted was to feel safe in their partners as the bath bubbles floated around the bathroom.

And now as the still warm September sun shone above the Burrow; Weasley and L/n families were preparing for the big day. Friends and families of the engaged couple have told them multiple times they should have wedding before the sun is fully replaced by autumn rain. It wasn't hard for them to agree. They all needed a day full of happiness.

The Weasleys already knew the chaos that came with wedding preparations. Ron and Harry weren't happy with all the cleaning that was left for them to do. Although one sharp look from Molly and all complains were cut off. As she promised, Fleur had helped Y/n with wedding dress. And Headmistress McGonagall was kind enough to let Hermione and Ginny come home for a couple of days to help around the wedding. And she agreed to attend the wedding.

Y/n's family had agreed on wedding in wizarding world. With the muggle tradition of bride and groom not seeing each other before the wedding. It's safe to say Fred does not like it. Especially not the moment when Ginny hexed him when he tried to sneak into her room the last night and see Y/n. It took George and Lee twenty minutes and lots of laugher to get his nose back to normal. It looked like witch's nose from muggle cartoons and it sure as hell was funny to the other two.

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