45) Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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Warning: make out leading to ✨it✨ No details! Except Fred kissing Y/n's neck.

Y/n's POV

I stretched my arms as I made my way down to the kitchen. Smell of fresh waffles and tea filled my nose the second I stepped in. Mum was sitting on one of the chairs, sipping her tea.

"Good morning, sweetheart." She smiled when she saw me. "I made you breakfast."

"Thanks, mum." I smiled back and immediately reached for warm waffle.

"What are your plans for today?" Mum asked. "I couldn't get day off otherwise I'd spent it with you."

"It's not problem, mum. I don't have five anymore."

"Can you blame me for missing you? I didn't see you in almost a year. Same thing was last year. And now you're done with school but I got felling I won't be seeing much either."

"But I'll write to you. And definitely visit you more often."

"You better. So about plans?"

"I'm going to visit Fred and George in their shop. I haven't seen it yet." I took sip of tea, burning tongue slightly as it was still very hot. "A little warning next time, please."

"Don't you see it's steaming? Of course it's hot." Mum shook her head. "So I shouldn't expect you at dinner?"

"Why wouldn't you? I'll be there till they close, helping them a little. Maybe stay hour or two and then come back."

"'I'll be back by midnight' is what I always told my mother every time I was going to your father's place. And guess what? I was never back by noon next day. And your father had apartment just two streets away. He bought to look more normal or something. I never understood the term 'muggle'."

"Fine maybe I stay the night. I haven't seen Fred in two months. George as well."

"How are they doing?" Mum asked. "Molly told me yesterday they dropped out of school to start that joke shop. She wasn't really happy about it."

"From what they told Lee and I they're doing great. Shop is success just like I knew it would be. And yes Molly was far from happy in the beginning."

"I'm happy for them. There are wonderful boys. And may or may not have had couple of words with Molly about interfering in her kids choices."

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing special." Mum shrugged. "Just to let them be whatever they want. And that she should be proud of them. Although she now seemed to change her mind about it."

"I hope she told them she was proud. It would mean a lot to them."

"I'm sure she did. She's wonderful mother."

"Since we're talking about mother's thoughts on their children's future jobs. I'd like to know what do you think about my future career."

"Your father told me a lot about Aurors and their job. As much as I'd like you to stay out of danger I can't and won't control your decisions."

"Thank you, mum." I smiled.

"Just promise me one thing. Be very careful."

"I promise."

"Tell me one more thing and be completely honest. What is going on in Wizarding world?"

I sighed. "Things aren't the best. The war might break out in any moment. But don't worry for now."

"Are you sure I shouldn't worry?" Mum raised eyebrow. "In case you hadn't notice yesterday it's unusually cold for summer. And if remember well, and trust me I do, this happened before. Those things, Dementors or whatever, they're free again aren't they?"

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