38) Quidditch Injury

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Y/n's POV

"Okay so you know the tactic there's nothing more I'd add. Just stay focused and be yourselves." I finished my speech and everyone on the team nodded. We were playing against Hufflepuff today so team and I were going through some important things. Ron looked scared once again but I assured him he had nothing to worry about.

Gryffindors and half of the Ravenclaws roared as Lee called us out on pitch. Hufflepuff team entered from the other side and Hufflepuffs, half of the Ravenclaw and some Slytherins cheered for them.

Katie blew Alicia kiss and left to sit on bench and wait if she needs to step in instead some of us. Fred and George were loudly cheering for us on stands. It was strange seeing them there and not on Quidditch pitch.

After years of playing with them I got so used to them messing with Charlie and Wood or any other unfortunate soul who'd become a target in Fred and George's attempt to light up the tense mood before the game.

"As you probably heard ladies and gentlemen Gryffindor Quidditch team suffered a great loss of their three fantastic players..." Lee started and half of the school shared confused looks.

"Jordan will you, please, be less dramatic." McGonagall said, shaking her head.

"My deepest apologies Professor, but normal commentating is no fun." Lee said and smiled innocently at McGonagall who just rolled her eyes.

"But it actually is a great loss. All because some daddy's boy..."


"Yes, yes, no insults, no insults. The game is about to begin."

Hufflepuff captain and I shook hands and Madame Hooch released all three balls. All of us took off in the air. I manage to catch the Quaffle and sped towards the Hufflepuff goal. It was short lived as one of Hufflepuff's Chasers zoomed past me and took Bludger out of my arms.

Angelina and Alicia tried to return it to us but Hufflepuffs were playing great today. We get to keep Cadwallader away from our goal but it wasn't for very long. He threw Quaffle to Smith who get to confuse Ron and score forts points.

"And Smith just scored for Hufflepuff. 10:0 Hufflepuff's in lead." Lee shouted in his mic. "It would be nice if Gryffindors decide to wake up and stop playing like 200 years old turtles, that way maybe they'd score something too." He scolded at us.

"Jordan!" McGonagall warned him per usual.

"I'm just giving them a constructive criticism, Professor." Lee shrugged.

"If you give another 'constructive criticism' I'm going to kick your ass, Jordan! We lost just one shot!" Alicia yelled.

"Since some people here don't appreciate my advices enough we're going back to the game ladies and gentlemen." Lee said and went back to commentating a game.

After half an hour we get to score twice but Hufflepuffs scored three more times. With three of our best players out of the team Hufflepuffs trained extra hard to beat us. Their Beaters took every chance they could to sent Bludgers at any of us and Chasers were doing pretty good job.


The time passed and we're still forty pouts short. We played the best we could but without Fred, George and Harry we weren't in our best shape. Andrew Kirk was already knocked out by the Bludger and we're left with only one Beater. Slopper wasn't really good Beater but we managed to avoid Bludgers he couldn't hit away. Ginny didn't notice the Snitch yet and that left without a chance to end match, at least for now.

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