I Really Like You

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Changbin POV ( warning ⚠️: lots of cussing)
I ran so fast to that house I have no idea how far it was. My legs and my heart just took me and I would do it again.
By the time I reached to the house the sun was setting and I felt a cold breeze. At this point I didn't care I must save her..
With that being said I slammed my hand hard on the door making so much noise.
"Mother fucker! Get the fuck out and face me! What did I tell you touch her and I'll hurt you!"

No answer what's oh ever I ran to the side windows of the house, but it was pitch black inside. No sign of movement. I looked around the bush area and found a rock. I threw it to the window causing it to break.
Wiggle my body inside I came across a empty house. All the furniture was there, but no one was home. Just a broken wine glass on the rug.

I called the police...
"Hello sir I like to report a domestic abuse and kidnapped. My girlfriend was getting abuse by her father and now she has gone missing."

The cops came rushing to the house area and inspected the house inside. They found a bloody rug in one bedroom and the house finely clean besides the broken glass.
While they were at it all straykids arrived... Chan Hyung called Eddie right away... this is happening so fast. My poor baby girl; where are you?
End of POV
My head hurt a lot and I felt my body sore especially my face. I woke up to what looks like a hotel room or however no one was around just some men essentials. Took the chance to get up and look around. The door was locked and the room only had one window it looks like we are in a high floor.
Than it hit me we are at my fathers company. He has a private room in which most of the time my mom would stay in. when he had to stay working over night before they had Eddie and I..

I rushed to the door and slammed myself hard hitting my fist on the door. Hoping one of his employees heard me. Help me! Is anyone there please help me! I yelled out while hitting the door.

This went on for 20 minutes and now the cuts I had in my hand reopens and blood started to drip down.
Than suddenly I heard a voice coming from afar it seem like a women's voice.

"Is someone there... dear what's going on?"
The minute I heard her near by I desperately hit the door harder yelling out to her.
"Please unlock the door help me! I'm in great danger!"
She turned the knob, but it seem like she was having trouble getting it unlock. Than finally she managed to open it.
"Omg dear! Are you okay? How did you get in here!"
Tears started rolling down my face and my fear of him coming back creeped up.

"Ma'am call the cops now please! Mr. Klein has been abusing me! Please help me!" Her eyes grew wide as she called the cops.
Right when she finish the call a large hand swooped the phone off her hand.
We both turned to face Joe standing there with a vicious look in his face. My body went into shock while the lady looked at him concerned.

"Just what exactly do you think your doing Mrs Yoon? Didn't I tell all the employees this area is off limits. Now you have to face the consequences." She took a big gulp, but before I could jump in to defense.
Joe gives a powerful punch to her completely knocking her out. I fell trying to catch her body.

"What the fuck! What's wrong with you!"
He grabs me by the hair and starts to drag me to the bedroom. I yell out for help, but I don't think the other employees can hear me.. my scalp sting as he pulled; eventually he threw my onto the bed. Finishing me off with punches one after the other.

Blood was coming down my nose and he continued to hit me numerous of times. He also hit my chest area.
"You bitch! Why did you have to live! You took her away! All your fault bitch!"
Right when he was about to swing again a group of police men came rushing in and throwing him to the grown.
"Your under arrest for domestic violence and violation of child protection." I felt weak to stand up and give him a look.
Right when they stood him up Changbin came rushing in and soccer punched him causing the police to stumble.

"I hope you rot in jail sicko"
Than ran to me catching me before my life went black again.

**time skip hospital room**

My nose felt numb not to mentioned I woke up in a hospital room. On my right Bangchan was snoring loud laying his body on the chair. On my left was Jisung completely knocked out with his head on the bed.
The rest weren't here it seems, but it does look like a busy room. All their bags are here I'm assuming they stepped out.
"Your awake!" Chan said stretching from what seem like a long nap.

"Where Changbin?" I said since he was the last person that saw me conscious and after that powerful fight he had with Joe.

"I knew you were going to ask for hyung. Actually we send his ass home to check up on the guys. He was seriously being annoying all night. Calling the nurse each time you moved. Kept talking and talking about how much he wished you were awake already. I was so sick of him so I had to get rid of him for a moment Ahh!"
Jisung said pacing around the room. I giggled seems like such a Changbin thing to do.

Right when Jisung opened the door than came rushing changbin. He had a huge smile on his face and ran to hug me tightly. I groaned in pain, but he didn't care and still kept holding me..

"Binnie Im kind of in pain here.." he finally let me go of his grip and I didn't hesitate but kiss his cheek.
"Woahhh" chan said admiring what just happened. Changbin cheeks were so red and his ears too.. he couldn't stop looking at me in the eyes and smiling.
"Jeez Jisung Im kind of hungry.. we should go buy food for the guys. I'm pretty sure their hungry too."

"But I'm not hungry Hyung I'll stay here." Jisung said slouching on his chair. I saw how Chan gave him Googling eyes than jisung stood up fast.
"Jisung-ah come on let's go! We will see you two later! "

The two stood up and left leaving us in a awkward position. After I kissed him he kept looking down shyly.

"I really like you!"
He blurted out.. not giving me a second to look back up at him. My eyes sparkled and I could feel the tenderness on my shoulders.

How can I possibly answer this when so much is going on.. for all I know is I adore him so much and I always want to be near him however, I feel that way about the other two.
Is it possible to feel something for more than one boy or is it even sane to be confused with everything?
"Binnie I-

"No, don't feel forced to answer I'll give you time.." with that being said he kissed my cheek than hugged me and went out the door smiling hard.

What on earth just happened?...

A/n: OMG I just slammed you with a long chapter. I hope it was good. I know there's a lot going on at once trust me I'm trying to adjust ahhh but there's once confession! Could they're be more!!!! Stay toon

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