New Home P.2

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"Really Seungmin you had to steel my chips! Mine give it!"
The two were running around like to kids while I put some olive oil in the cart. Nothing seem more like family than grocery shopping. When Eddie and I were little mom always let us get at least one snack to take home.
Just the thought of going outside while I'm in runaway felt so scary. I was wearing Felix oversize hoodie and Changbin ripped jeans to make me look more guy-ish as possible.

Seungmin would keep the look out as we shopped and Hyunjin wouldn't leave my side.
**Time skip**

Seungmin paid and we went off to get a cab. On our way to the taxi section. We passed a bakery that just smelled lovely. I took a deep smell of the fresh coffee scent.
"Oh we love this place! Let's get some drinks Nuna!" Hyunjin suggested leading us inside the bakery.

We order three americano ice coffee and sat to the nearest booth by the door.

"Tomorrow is our day off and I think we should plan a hangout. Of course somewhere not crowded so you won't be in danger." Hyunjin said taking a sip of his drink. The boy is so handsome he has a beautiful face and the way he talks is so exciting.

While talking to the guys a male with a nice suite came in the shop with a young lady that seem a bit older than I she definitely was Caucasian. When the male looked over to the female his face features seem so familiar. But his body structure didn't seem to click.
I ignored the male and continued to listen to Seungmin coffee story about one of their shows in the sates. Apparently Hyunjin is famous for spilling coffee on himself 'americano juwa juwa'


My body froze and my face felt warm. No one has ever called me that but Eddie. That was the nickname he gave me when I was so little. Mom would buy us pie every thanksgiving to give us more of a American vibe and I would always end up eating most of it. Since than Eddie would call me that nickname.
The male in a black suite approached me then it clicked. I could never forget Eddies big brown eyes and corny smile. He looks so much older and different.
"Leah you know this guy?" Hyunjin said giving a defensive look to him.

"LeahPie is that really you?"
I can't believe he's back home.. since when?? I have so many questions for him.

"Hey Eddie what brings you here.. ughh where do I start." Seungmin stood up and gave him a angry stare. since we exchanged sentences in English the boys had no clue and felt more protective towards me

"No guys I know him he's my older brother which I haven't seen in forever." the two stepped aside with a shocked face expression and Eddie sat in front of me analyzing my face features.

"you've grown so much.. your not so tiny anymore."

I looked around trying to speak out all the thoughts rushing in my head. It's been years since I last saw him and times like these I felt as he abandoned me and left me alone. However we can't talk here especially when I'm in a runaway. I'm pretty sure Jose has sent out a search team to look for me..

"Guys is it okay if My brother and I chat at the dorms while your at work? We all know I can't be in public for long.." Hyunjin stood up and made a quick phone call most likely to inform the others. I felt bad kicking them out of their own dorms for a moment.

"Don't worry Nuna the guys were already heading to the company. Shall we guide you to the dorms before taking off?" Hyunjin said approaching us.

We gathered our things and went outside. We took a cab and Eddie went inside a black car with his assistant. They followed us to the dorms.

The dorm was quiet my first full day with the boys and I'm already facing my brother. I made him a green tea. I'm glad his assistant didn't come inside I needed a privacy with my brother.

"What was it like growing up during your teens?"
Really that's the first question.. he's about to found out what was it like being a teenager under Joes rules.

"Eddie when you left things changed. If you thought Joe was a terrible father to you.. than you have no idea what I went through."
My eyes slowly closed I was trying so hard not to just burst into tears and blurt out my feelings like a wimp.
"Leah..What do you mean? And why do you call dad by his name? I mean.."

"After you left dad became a complete psycho he would punish me for dumb reasons like talking back. He would isolate me and not let me have friends."

Eddie face became full of anger.. he formed two fist as I talked.
"I wasn't aloud to have a phone either. Than at 15 he started to hit me at first like I said over talking back.. but than his hits turned into beating and soon enough he started abusing me physically and mentally. He's broken my ribs twice. I have back problems because of him and he broke my ankle recently."

At this point I couldn't hold it anymore my face got more and more puffy. Tears started to form in my eyes. Eddie noticed and automatically brought me into his arms.
He held me with a grip that felt safe. I missed his warmth. I missed our bond and I know if he wouldn't have left Joe would've not gone this far.

"I'm sorry LeahPie I have failed to protect you...look what you went through alone. He's a monster and he must pay for this."
Eddie pulled away from me and cleaning up my tears with his hand.

"My life wasn't so easy but of course yours was much more worse... When I escaped home grandma wanted to send me back the first flight out. So I ran away from our grandparents home as well. I lived in the streets for months with no money or food.

Grandma than found me once and decided to just accept the fact that I don't want to go home with dad. She didn't really ask why I left home, but I would hear her cry a lot at night.
Eventually they helped me go to college and I got a bachelor degree in business and administration.
I now own a clothing company called 'C.L' it wasn't easy getting that company together. I had a lot of downfalls and employees quit on me. But I managed it all on my own. I guess I got the business genes from that monster."

I couldn't believe what Eddie was telling me he grew up well became a business man. Just hope that he doesn't let that be his only life like Joe and end up being a horrible boss. I know Eddie can be a tough person to understand however he's not like Joe and that's a fact.
"LeahPie don't you worry I'll make sure Joe pays for everything he did to you and I will take you with me as soon as I can and that's a promise."

"But wait-

The door busted open to 8 boys coming in giggling and laughing. Eddie and I must of talked for so long that we didn't realize the time.
"Oh hello hyung you must be Leahs older brother?!" Bangchan said in English as he approached heading for a handshake.
Shit I'm not sure if I want to leave with him...

A/n: oh man I know this chapter was super long but there was a lot to cover. I'll try my hardest not to bore you hehe. I hope u like the story so far. Please feel free to comment down below if u like. Oh one more thing positive vibes on the comments okay love y'all!!! >.<

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