Caught You

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It only took me hours to finally get Conscience and my head sure hurt, but that was nothing to what was about to come.
My hands were tied up and I was sitting at my own living room but on the floor. I haven't seen this house in almost a month it brings so much dark memories.
Anxiously I tried setting myself free, but no use I wasn't strong enough. My mouth was taped up so I couldn't exactly scream either.

"The funny thing is you actually thought you can get away from me... aww my poor Leah why shall she disobey her father like this." A unpleasant voice came out of no where. There he was approaching me with a glass of red wine in his hand. He pulled a chair and sat in front of me with a grind on his face.

"Look your have two choices either you play nice and obey my orders or disobey me and get much more worse consequence so... I'm taking off the tape." He snatched it off my mouth I groaned in pain due to the sting feeling from the glue pulling on my skin.

"You son of a bitch! Why are you doing this to your own daughter?! You don't deserve that title you disgust me!"
I couldn't speak more when I felt a harsh slap across my face completely knocking my down to my back.
But that didn't stop me I sat back up looked at him in the face and HELP HELP SOMEONE HELP he slapped me one more time.
This time one of his men dragged me to my room and locked the door.

My heart was beating fast he locked me in my room with my hands tied up. He seriously is insane and I have no idea what to do now. I really hope one of the guys notices im missing.
Hoped over to my window but it was shut with cement. His crazy self would cover it up to trap me for good. I must get out of this situation I can't live under his roof I'll be died by 21. Enough is enough!

Slamming my shoulders to the door but my fragile body couldn't get that door to open over and over again I hit the door but still no luck.

Than I realize I still had some essentials in my bathroom; with a struggle I got inside my bathroom and took out a razor hanging near the shower head. This will be my perfect tool to cut the tie. I just need to find a way to take the blades out.

~Felix POV~
I had one exact job and that was not to forget my cellphone.. ugh I must play my game while we have a small break. I wonder if our manager let me go get it plus it will be a good time to check up on Leah.

"Hyung is it okay if I go get my phone I forgot it at the dorms.. please I'll be quick."
With a nod he said yeah I happily let chan Hyung know and made my way out.

The dorms door wasn't locked which was strange.. usually we leave it locked and Leah doesn't go out unless we are with her. However when I got inside she wasn't there.. my heart sank down to my toes. I ran to her room but she wasn't there.
I walked to the bathroom not there either not even the laundry room.
I noticed a boy hanging on top of the fridge..

Note: Hey guys! I went quick to the groceries don't worry I'll be back! I'm pretty sure I be home before you notice I'm gone. But if by any chance I'm not GET HELP.

My hands felt shaky and I wasn't feeling well either what if she got caught and taken back to that house. I ran down to the grocery store near by the dorm she must of gone there..
some fans noticed me and tried to approached me but I asked politely to stay out the way. No sign of her in the store so I ran up to the register.

"Ma'am have you soon a girl short about long brown hair. Brown eyes looks kinda white?" She looked to the side then picked up a few bags from behind the counter.

"I'm not sure if this is the girl your asking about, but my employee found these bags half way down the store and a wallet. I looked at the picture and it belongs to a young lady. I'm not sure if your looking for her exactly.." I quickly took the wallet from her hands and saw the id; yes this is Leah and this can only mean one thing.
She has been found...

Took the nearest cab back to the company and rushed up the elevators tears already forming my eyes.
I slammed the door open nearly falling to the grown tired of running around and scared out of my mind.

The guys eyes grew wide and before I knew it Changbin ran out the studio leaving our managers and staff confused and concern. We haven't exactly told them the situation we are in..
~End of Felix POV~


'Fuck this is seriously going to kill me' I thought to myself; I finally manage to take out the blades from the raiser with my hands. My fingers are full of cuts since I wasn't able to see the blades clearly.
I got one blade and started to rub it on one of the knots.
Sweat started forming on my face as I cut and rubbed as hard as I could feeling a cramp creeping up on my wrist.
At some point the blade slipped creating a slash on my pawn. I felt the blood dripping, but that was the least of my concern.

Way after 20 minutes of cutting and rubbing. I managed to cut the entire knot. My hands were free but bloody.
Slowly taking small steps I placed my ear on the door searching for an activity in the house. Yet it was silent no voices of Joe or his men not even the tv was  on. He must of went out I speeded to the bathroom trying to rinse my the blood up. I didn't have any bandaids so I just covered my cuts with toilet paper and tape.

The knob was sure locked and I searched my room for something heavy to break the knob or even cement from the window. All I found was clothes I couldn't take and hair essentials plus female products. This is a complete nightmare.

At this point I felt hopeless there was nothing I could do much but sit here and expect the worse. My whole life came into mind all the years I've been suffering with this man until this day. Not to mention the little time I had with mom and Eddie.
Tears rolled down my cheeks I hate this I hate crying almost everyday I'm sick of this. My face swoll up and turned bright red.
I couldn't stop crying I sat down on the floor next to my bed and just let all my tears continue to flow.

**key chains moving the knob**
My head turned fast.. the door open wide and a man in all black came in and crotch down to my eye level.
"The boss wants you. Follow me now." He basically just pulled me by my arm and we walked fast down stairs to the living room.
There he was sitting on the coach with wine in his hand and that stupid smirk on his face.

"You little bitch you actually figured out how to take off the knot. After all your my daughter; daddy taught you well. Okay listen up your going to sit here with dad and have a drink." My mind was blown how dare he call himself my dad he doesn't deserve that title:
In addition he wants me to just sit with him to drink there's more to this than expected.

I was pushed down to the coach next to him and than he handed me a glass of wine. Of course I didn't take it and in fact I slapped it off his hand. Causing the whole thing to spill on his expensive rug.
Just as fast as I slapped the glass is how fast he slapped my face. Leaving me not even time to react.

"When I say drink with me you DRINK IT"
He turned over and signaled one of his men to give me another glass.
Now I really can't reject this or else he's even willing to beat me so bad right here in front of his men.

Slowly I put my lips on the glass and started to take small sips. My heart pounded fast Joe just looked at me with a smile nearly laughing at me.
"DRINK THE WHOLE FUCKEN THING!" I closed my eyes there can only be one reason why he's so desperate about me drinking this wine.

Right when I finish the last sip my vision went blurry and slowly my shoulders felt tired, after a good few seconds everything went black.

A/n: wassup lovely readers! I really enjoy seeing your comments it brings me joy. I'm aware this fanfic is really a sensitive spark. I just hope u can continue reading it. Check out the next chapter to see what happens next with Leah!

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