Goodbye... Eddie

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**flash back alert**
All I've been hearing today is my dad and Eddie argue badly. I'm not sure what exactly they are arguing about, but it seem bad. I heard eddies room door slam hard.
I ran down stairs and saw my dad by the kitchen counter sipping on some beer. Lately he's been picking fights with Eddie for no reason and getting drunk nasty.
There was a few times when my dad punched Eddie so hard just because he would come home a bit late from a baseball game.

I just turn 14 and times like these I needed mom around so she can put everyone at peace. She passed away a year ago and already dad is falling apart acting so aggressive, while Eddie is in and out of the house. He recently turned 18 and was barely home.

"Eddie what's wrong? Why are you and dad fighting again?" I said knocking on his door softly. He would always tell me everything about his problems or even when he won a game. However ever since mom died we started to grow apart.

"Go away Leah it's none of your business" he said with his voice in faint. It seemed as if he was crying.


The day turned to night and my house was silent. Eddie was in his room and my dad was knocked out in the coach with the tv on.

Right when I was going to go check on Eddie my door opened and it was him. He had his baseball hood on and was carrying a huge bag that looked stuffed.

"Leah? I have something to tell you.."
I put down my journal and looked at him he was dressed as he was heading out, but it seemed as he's not planning to comeback.

"I booked a flight to Seattle. I'm leaving to our grandparents for a while I'm not sure what I'll do next. I can't stand it here dad is worrying me and he's becoming the worst parent. Grandma thinks it's okay for me to stay away from dad for a bit. However she doesn't know I'm leaving forever away from him."

"What no don't go Eddie please!"

"I have to Leah dad is becoming worse and he's scaring me I just need to live out my dream. Please Leah don't tell dad I left we got into a fight because I told him I wanted to visit grandma and he said no. Little did he know I've been planning to leave for a while now"

"Wait Eddie please don't leave me here alone. You and dad are the only people I have here in korea."
At this point I was crying I couldn't believe what my brother was telling me; he's leaving and not coming back what about me.. he's abandoning me.

"Im sorry Leah I wish I could take you with me, but your still underage they need dads permission to take you across the globe."

"But Eddie!"

"Listen to me.. you'll be okay I promise to call you and check up on you everyday. Take care of yourself and don't let yourself from dad I'm begging you. I'll miss you a lot."

He reached to the door and I ran onto him clinging to his legs crying my eyes out. I can't let my big brother who was once my best friend leave me for good. Who knows if I'll ever see him again once he's gone our house become more sad than it already did.

Our family will be completely broken I will miss him to much to bear it why.

"Please Eddie please! We can figure something else out about dad I know he's being a bad parent. But you can't leave me here!"
Tears started forming in his eyes he went down to hug me tightly. Than he opened his heavy bag and took out a baseball and took off the hoodie he was wearing.

"I have to go... take care little sister here keep these so you can have me close to you.. if you ever feel scared hug my hoodie or wear it. I promise to come back for you when the time is right. I love you."

With that he left my room I looked over my window and saw him get into this red car and drive off. That night was the last time I saw Eddie in six years.

Actually I don't know what happened to that hoodie and baseball they disappeared like he did.

A/n: here's a little bit of a flashback of her older brother she mentions from time to time. I hope this chapter gave you a bit of some answers as to why she keeps mentioning her lost brother. Well technically he's not lost he just ran away from home. I mean with a father like that who wouldn't. What's more messed up is what keeps happening to Leah. Keep reading to find out more. Thank u loves!

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