Kipo x Cat!Reader R28

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(Takes place during Season 1 but Kipo already knows how to control her mute side

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(Takes place during Season 1 but Kipo already knows how to control her mute side.)

(You're a cat. That's it, that's the imagine.)

You limped/ran from the Mod Frogs that had been chasing you for a few days. You don't know why but something about being a non mute made you valuable to them. For a cat you were pretty smart, maybe you had a little bit of mute in you but not enough to change appearance. You use to run with the Timber Cats but after a while they got too crazy for you. You did visit sometimes to use their scratching trees and play with yarn. You hadn't been back for a while and hoped they weren't getting worried about you since you visited every 2 weeks on the dot. While running from the Mod Frogs, who's names you still hadn't known, you managed to get turned around and completely lost. You had seen some other mutes around but couldn't really ask for directions and you didn't know if they were mean or not.

As you sat on top of a building, cleaning your fur and licking the wounds you had sustained from the past couple of days, you hear a noise. You peak over the edge and watch as 3 people and a mute walk down the street; 2 girls, a boy, and a... bug? You watch in curiosity as they walked down the street being loud, not to care about the noise they made and what it could attract. You enter the building and slowly walk down to the ground level to get a closer look. They seemed friendly but you can never tell. You trailed them as they walked down the street and towards where all those scorpions live. You had been in the scorpion territory a few times and knew how to maneuver through it without causing any trouble.

They make it half way through the scorpion territory before the Mod frogs show up and start making noises. That of course attracts the scorpions, who then start tracking everyone's beating heart. You were tempted to run... Well limp run out but something about the group made you want to help. You meow loud a few times to get their attention and you know it works when the girl with pink looks towards you. You nod your head in a "follow me" motion and hope she understands. She seems to and grabs her friends arms and starts pulling them towards you. "Come back here Burrow Girl!" The lead frog yell and then he notices you. "And that damn cat too!"

Luckily, the frogs hadn't managed to calm their hearts down and were still being tracked by the scorpions. You lead the group to a room you had found a while ago while exploring. "Hey wait a minute!" The bug of the group yells. Everyone looks back at him with a questioning gaze. "Why are we following this thing? They don't even look like a mute?" The bug says as he walks around and attempts to pick you up. You bite his hand as an immediate reaction and get into a defensive stance with your hair raised. You manage to hold the pose for a few seconds before the pain in your paw becomes too much and you have to resort to limping again.

"Oh no are you okay?" The girl says as she approaches you but with more caution. You feel the hair on your back stand up again but calm down when you watch as the pink hair girl's arm turns into a big pink paw. "See it's okay... I'm like you, well not exactly like you but similar... You get what I mean." You walk up to her slowly before running your head against her paw and purring. You even let her pick you up. "Ok now, where to?" The girl asked. You just stuck your paw out lazily in the direction of the room, glad to finally be off your feet. "Hey, why do I never get carried like that?" The bug asked his friend, who looked nervous and just fast walked away. When you made eye contact you stuck out your tongue at him.

*Time Skip*

The group of people, who you know consider friends, spent 3 days in your hide out. So they could take a break and make sure your wounds healed correctly. In that time span you also managed to learn all their names, Kipo, Wolf, Benson, and Dave. You still called Dave bug however because he would get on your nerves. Today was they day you were all going to leave. You figured you could stick with them til they went to the Timbercats. You did know your way there by now but you had heard them say they were headed that way too and it would be nice to have some company while traveling.

Kipo and her friends stood at the door while you laid on the couch deep in thought. "Well I guess this is goodbye... Or you could come with us?" Kipo asked as she slowly opened the door, she wanted you to go with them. You had been a like a mini heater the past 2 nights and were so soft for her to cuddle with plus the purring was adorable. "Or we could just leave." Dave said pulling the door over, catching everyone's attention. "Thanks for the hiding spot but we really got to move on... What?" Everyone looked away from Dave to where he was looking. You had disappeared from your spot on the couch. "Where? Oh..."

Kipo says as she looks down to see you rubbing your head against her shin and purring. "Well I guess we have a new member on the team." Kipo says with a smile as she bends down to pick you up. "Let's go guys." She says as she walks out the door, holding you like a baby. You once again stuck your tongue out at Dave when you make eye contact over Kipo's shoulder. "Well this is just great." Dave mutters as he walks out the door last and closes it behind him.

(Requests are open because I have no self control 😁. I honestly think I'll be more consistent with my updates after the holidays cause some teachers are mean and like to give work all the way up to break🥲.)

(WAIT GUYS I MISSED THE 6th MONTHAVERSARY FOR THE BOOK. Can I get a F in the chat? Anyways, 🥳. Thank you to you guys for actually reading my shit cause I always think it's bad but then I'll get comments or like a star or vote or whatever it's called and then I'm like 🥺 wait people actually like this. And shout out to me because I didn't abandon this book like I've done with 2 other ones. I don't think story stories are for me because I can write like 4 chapters before giving up but one shots or like mini stories are my junk. Anyways thanks for reading.♥️)

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