Azula x Reader R4

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(I'm so glad I make a note for my requests cause I really deleted my request page like a dumbass😭.

(I'm so glad I make a note for my requests cause I really deleted my request page like a dumbass😭

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(Y'all are like 23)

Growing up for Azula had been hard. Her mother favored her brother over her, thought she was a monster, and left one night without explanation. Because of her nonexistent relationship with her mother, she turned to her father for love and care. Only to find that the way to make him love her was to be power, cold hearted, and cut throat. Azula knew that you weren't supposed to treat a kid that way, especially after watching her father burn and Banish Zuko. But her father was the only one who showed her the closest thing to familial love. Nothing was easy for as over the next couple of years, her friends betrayed her, her father was defeated by the Avatar, and she was captured by Zuko and sent to Boiling Rock.

Boiling rock was now a prison filled with people who were still loyal to Ozai, even though he was defeated. Azula laughed at what the generals that used to lead the Fire Nation armies had become. Not like she could laugh much, seeing as she was the princess turned prisoner. They also had kept her hands chained and covered most of the time so she couldn't bend. Azula was in the Boiling Rock for around 2 years before you came. You had honestly know idea why you were sent to boiling wrong, your crime hadn't been a big one. It was a honest mistake, you tried making a homemade fire works for a parade for the Fire Lord. But of course, it ended up exploding. You tried to tell the guards what had happened but no one would listen to you.

You were in Boiling Rock for a year before finally talking to Azula. You ended up making a crack between your walls, so you could see each other and hear each other easier. Over the next 3 years, you continue to learn more about Azula and help her through all the childhood turmoil she had. This had calmed her down to the point that she was finally let into the yard with all the other prisoners. As soon as that happened you were all over her, braiding her hair, playing with her fingers (they took the covering on her hand), holding her hand, resting your head against her shoulder, etc. You were always a touchy person and being in a cell without anyone or being surrounded by gross men in the yard did not help. So when Azula was finally let into the yard, you went crazy. You know from talking that Azula was touch starved, which didn't surprise you, and that caused you to make the conscious decision to make up for all those years. It was hard to make up for it for a couple reasons; the first is that the time in the yard was short and the second was that the guards would yell at you about it and put you in the freezer.

Because of all of this, you thought that it was time to escape. So that's what you did, after being in Boiling Rock for 5 years, you broke out with Azula and left the Fire Nation. You both moved deep into the woods in the earth kingdom territory. After some months of hard work to make a house, you had finally finished and could relax. It also let you resume your plan of making up for all those years for Azula. To start it off, you ran a bath. Azula had been working on the farm for most of the day, which was something she found therapeutic, not that she would tell you that. You knew when she came back in she would want a wash, so you decided to join her. Right as you finish lighting candles and making the water hot, Azula comes into the house calling out for you. "Y/n?" "In the bathroom!" You yell back in response before rushing to get into the bath. Azula, not thinking anything of it, walks right into the bathroom and freezes when she sees you in the bath. "I... You... I... Umm..." You laughed at how fluster you could make her. "It's not like you haven't seen this before. Come join me." Azula just nods her head dumbly before undressing and getting in the tub with you, leaning her back against your front. You wrapped your arms around her and played with her fingers. "Now that things have calmed down, I can finally start making up on a promise I made to myself." 

You say after just sitting in the bath for sometime. "And what would that be?" Azula asks as she turns her body and lays her head on your chest looking up at you. You swear your having a heart attack with how fast your hearts beating. "Well it's not an unknown fact that you're a little touch starved... move I want to do your hair..." She moved back to having her back against your front. "And I'm gonna make up all those years for you." You say as you stop braiding Azula's hair and pull her closer to you and resting your chin on her shoulder. "And how are you gonna do that?" Azula asks taking a second to look back at you with a smirk. You roll your eyes at what she's hinting at. You give her a kiss on the cheek before hopping out the tub and running to the bedroom. "You have to clean up though." Azula just shakes her head with a smile. Never thinking she would be this happy in her lifetime or becoming addicted to being touched. Getting out of the bath to drain it, all she can think is one thing.

What would she do without you.

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