Kipo x Reader R22

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(HAPPY HALLOWEEN and this is my 50th imagine

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(HAPPY HALLOWEEN and this is my 50th imagine. I just want to say thanks to the people who read my book, comment, or leave requests. I'm honestly surprised at how much reads, votes... Holy crap, I decided to look at the read count while typing this and are you freaking kidding me!? 25k!? WTF!? and over 600 votes!? IM SHOOK...Ummm, anyways lol thanks guys :D)

You walked behind your friends and girlfriend practically shaking with energy. The sun was starting to set and now was the perfect time to introduce Benson, Wolf, and Dave to the fun that was Halloween. This would also be the first Halloween that you and Kipo were having as a couple and you were sure she didn't understand how much you enjoy it yet. You slinked back a little more every few minutes and eventually were able to sneak away. You swung around wide and were able to get yourself in front of your group before they noticed you were missing. "I don't know, what do you think--- Uh guys... Were is y/n?" Benson, Wolf, and Dave turn around fast and start to look around. "I don't know, how long have they been gone?" Wolf asks looking around. They all shrug and start looking around as you slowly sneak up, wearing a mask you had been making secretly over the years. First, you snuck up behind Dave and scared him. As you grabbed him, he turned around and let out a silent scream before dying twice and coming out his shell as a baby.

You laughed to yourself before moving to your next victim, Kipo. You made sure Dave was in a safe spot first before bear crawling over to where Kipo was. It was dark enough now that you were hard to spot and just had to make sure you didn't make any noise. Kipo was in the middle of a destroyed building looking around. So you grabbed a piece of the building and threw it the to the right of her and towards Dave. Kipo flinched a little when the piece of the building hit the ground but she started heading towards it. You let her walk a little more and when she reached Dave, you scared her. "Dave? Why are you---" You quickly cut Kipo off by grabbing her side and making sure to put your hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream. Kipo reacted quickly and elbowed you in the stomach, causing you to let go, and turned around ready to fight. "Y/n? What are you doing?" "Shhh, I'm trying to scare everyone." "Why?" "Why!?" You whisper yell in shock, "It's Halloween!" Kipo pauses for a moment, "Ohhhh, already? Wow I can't believe I forgot." You nod your head at Kipo. "Yeah and I still need to scare Benson and Wolf, so can you watch Dave for me?" Kipo nods her head and pick up baby Dave. "Sure just be careful when you scare Wolf." You nod your head in excitement before leaning in and giving her a quick peck on the lip. "Just for luck." You say with a wink before running back into the dark towards Benson.

Now for Benson, you honestly didn't have to do much, he scares very easily. So you decided to have a little fun with it. "Bensoooooon Bensooooooon" You say like a ghost, causing him to freak out. "Who- Who's there? I have a..." He looks around before finding a random stick on the floor. "I have a stick and I am not afraid to use it!"  You take a minute to laugh before doing it again. "Bensooooon Bensooooon. I have y/nnnnnnn. Cooooome with meeee, if you want to seeeee them againnnnn" Benson shook like a dog before stealing himself and nodding his head.  "Okay, ghost. Take me to them." You start leading Benson over to Kipo and Dave. When he seems them he freaks out, "Oh no! Did the ghost get you guys too!?" Kipo gives him a look like "really?" but then sees you come up behind Benson and puts on a scared face. "Why... Why are you looking like that?" Benson asks with a shaky voice as he turns around to see you with a creepy grin on your face causing him to scream. You and Kipo both bust out into laughter as Benson tries to calm down. "Why would you guys do that!?" "Kipo explain it to him and then both of you pretend to be scare. There is no way Wolf didn't hear Benson scream like a girl and is probably on her way here now." 

Kipo give you a nod in confirmation before pulling Benson to sit down next to her and gives him Dave. You slowly climb to the top of the building, it's one story, and wait for Wolf to appear. After a few minutes Wolf comes running up to Kipo, Benson, and Dave. "What happened? Are you guys okay!?" Wolf asks as they just keep a scared look on their face. As Wolf gets closer and closer to them, you finally find your times to strike. You jump off the building and roll as you hit the ground so you don't hurt yourself. You pop up fast ready to say "Boo" but feel a stalky hit you in the face, paralyzing you. "Y/n!" Kipo yells in worry, rushing up to you, while Wolf looks at you in shock and anger. You smile as Kipo hovers over you in worry and mumble, "Best Halloween ever." And then subtly pass out.


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If you would like to request anything feel free to go to one of my 3 request pages; Atla/Lok, Spop, or Other. Thanks for reading :D

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