Kit Tanthalos x Reader

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Request: literally begging for a kit tanthalos x reader where reader is a princess who kit is engaged for an arranged marriage to instead of graydon and kit acts really rude towards them, and reader only finds out later that it's because kit loves her and didn't think she could ever be good enough for her?

This Takes Place Pre-Willow Series-ish

Any Info I Have On Cashmere Is Literally From Google

Not Proof Read

You sit at the head table next to your father in the Castle of Tir Asleen. You run through all the etiquette you've learned through the years in your head as you enjoy the meal in front of you and give an occasional polite smile as you make accidentally make eye contact with other people. Many people were staring at you and your father, not only had the announcement of your engagement to Princess Kit been a surprise to the people of Tir Asleen and Cashmere but seeing Cashmere royals outside their walls was rare as well. Speaking of Princess Kit, you had barely gotten the time to know her but you were already... interested to say the least. Being put into an arranged marriage wasn't something you had on your bucket list but at least your fiancé was good looking and similar in age to you. Luckily for you, and you assume Kit, you had convinced your father to allow you to stay in Tir Asleen for some months before being wed. So at least you would get to know the person you were marrying, if Kit allowed. You had been staring at Kit, unceremoniously, for the past 15 minutes as she talks to another girl at the table. When there was a pause in their conversation, Kit turns towards you and you turn to your food.


"Y/n Jyranthi, the princess of Cashmere, last name is based off the Empire that Cashmere replaced." Kit tells Jade as the two of them turn back to look at you. You had already been looking at them and turn away and act like you were involved in the conversation with your father and Queen Sorsha. "I thought there was two of them." Jade wonders, as she notices the way Kit couldn't take her eyes off of you. "There is but no one has seen the other prince or princess ever, no one even knows the other siblings gender. The people of Cashmere rarely leave their kingdom. But that is the one I am to marry." Kit finally looks away from you to look at Jade. "Have you at least spoken to her yet?" "Yes, I curtsied like a real lady... and she did the same in return, gave me a small smile, and then sort of disappeared."


You put down your cutlery and look towards the Queen as she makes a speech about the reason for your family's visit and the feast that was spread before everyone. "Two hundred moons since the knights of Galladoorn vanquished Bavmorda's legions and freed Tir Asleen from its curse. And for two-hundred moons, we've maintained a civil alliance, governing with mutual consent, while preserving our autonomy. One realm, two separate kingdoms. Until now. In 6 moons, Princess Y/n of Cashmere will marry my daughter, Kit. Adding a new and harmonious alliance between Tir Asleen and Cashmere. Not only will this open a new route of trading but it will also assure a strengthened front against any foe we might face." You keep taking peaks at Kit's expression through out the speech and you can see her eyes widen at the announcement of 6 moons until you got married. Clearly, Queen Sorsha hadn't informed her of the change you fought so hard for.

Queen Sorsha raises her glass to finish her speech. "To the brides, may they rule wisely and justly, and defend our realm till that day when the true empress Elora Danan returns." You notice Kit staring at you out of the corner of your eye as you all stand and hold out your cups. You give her a polite smile but she just turns away in response.


You stand near the edge of the party as you watch a people dance together near the center of the room. One of them being Kit and her knight, Jade. You meet your fathers eyes from across the room and nod your head. You walk towards Kit and Jade, "I'm sorry to interupt but I was wondering if I could talk to Kit for a second." You can see Kit's eyes pleading with Jade to say no but you both knew Jade couldn't really deny you. "Of course." She says with a smile and shoots Kit a knowing look before heading towards the drink table. You slide in easy to where Jade had been standing and start to slow dance with Kit, making sure to leave an obvious gap between the two of you."You stand near the edge of the party as you watch a people dance together near the center of the room. One of them being Kit and her knight, Jade. You meet your fathers eyes from across the room and nod your head. You walk towards Kit and Jade, "I'm sorry to interupt but I was wondering if I could talk to Kit for a second." You can see Kit's eyes pleading with Jade to say no but you both knew Jade couldn't really deny you. "Of course." She says with a smile and shoots Kit a knowing look before heading towards the drink table. You slide in easy to where Jade had been standing and start to slow dance with Kit, making sure to leave an obvious gap between the two of you.

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