Korra x Reader R14

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(Takes place a year after Season 4, Korra and Asami never go on a vacation to the spirit world

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(Takes place a year after Season 4, Korra and Asami never go on a vacation to the spirit world.)

You were hard headed. Yep, that's it... Hard headed, stubborn, and strong as a bull with a fiery attitude. Maybe you got it from living in the fire nation for your whole life as a non bender, you don't know. What Tenzin knows though, is different. Tenzin knows you act exactly like Korra did when she first arrived to Air Temple Island. So, since Tenzin couldn't get through to you and Korra was almost done dealing with the new spirit portal, he thought it would be perfect for you to learn from her. "Korra!" Tenzin yells a little, getting the Avatar's attention. "Yes Tenzin?" "I need your help with something and since your almost done dealing with the spirit portal business, I thought now would be the best time to talk to you about it."  Korra nods in understanding before sitting down on a set of stairs in front of Tenzin. "As you know, we have new air benders... And their training is going amazing, if I do say so myself..." Korra looks confused, "Then why do you need my help?" Tenzin rubs the back of his neck, in embarrassment? Concern? Korra can't tell. "Well one student I have hasn't been the easiest to teach. But they remind me a lot of you when you were younger... So I thought maybe you could train them?" Korra asks who before taking a sip from her water bottle. "Y/n." Korra spits out the water in her mouth, getting it all over Tenzin. "Y- Y- y/n!?" Korra asks with a blush on her face.

Tenzin looks a little confused at her sudden out burst, "Yes, Y/n. She is very stubborn like you were when you got here. It makes me think that you were supposed to be from the fire nation or y/n could secretly be from the earth kingdom with how they act." Tenzin pauses a little, getting into his thoughts. "Anyways, would that be okay? I know you haven't hung out with them much but I think it'd be good for them." Now something Tenzin didn't know was that there was a reason why Korra didn't hang out with you. It was the fact that Korra had a giant crush on you and it made her feel like a little girl instead of a twenty two year old. One thing Korra didn't understand was how Tenzin didn't know about her crush on the fire nation native. Practically all the air benders knew and Team Avatar knew and she would get teased about it constantly! Korra blushed as she answered, "Umm... yeah... sure."

You walked on to the training ground to see Korra already training. You whistle in appreciation seeing Korra in her earth bender outfit (Favorite outfit of hers tbh). Korra blushes at your whistling before shaking her head. "Alright you ready to get to work?" You smirk a little, looking Korra up and down. "Most definitely." You trained with Korra almost everyday for 5 months, in the beginning it was hard, the both of you hadn't spent much time together before and Korra was trying to figure out a way to train you but not make you dislike her. Luckily, you made it clear that trainer Korra was different than regular Korra. After sometime, Korra officially introduced you to Team Avatar. You got along super well with Asami, sometimes too well in Korra's opinion, and Bolin. You didn't like Mako's vibe at all and never really talked to him unless you had to. Team Avatar, before you were introduced to them, used to tease Korra so much about her crush on you. But now after seeing the way the both of you act towards each other, they can tell that Korra's feelings are not unrequited.

Which leads you to know, sleeping over at Asami's house with her and Korra. It was the middle of the night and Korra had just gone to the bathroom. Asami shifted her whole body to look at the mattress you were on. "So when are you going to tell her?" You rub your face, trying to get the blush that Korra caused off your face, before turning around. "Tell who, what?" Asami rolls her eyes, "When are you gonna tell Korra you like her as more than a friend." "What? I... You... We... Ummm..." Asami laughed at the shock on your face. "Oh come on, everyone can see how much the two of you like each other. Whenever we hangout me, Bolin, and Mako are like three third wheels. I mean we use to tease Korra about her crush on you all the time..." Your eyes are wide at all this new information. "Korra likes me?" Asami literally face palms before responding, "Yes, everyone can tell. Hell, even Tenzin can tell and you know how dense he is. I mean it took him months just to figure out that he wasn't the reason Kya was staying in Republic City." You nod your head in understanding, Tenzin is dense and if he thinks Korra likes you than she has to... right? "Holy crap! Korra likes me!" You say, jumping out of bed and bounding around the room with new found energy. "Korra like me! Oh my spirits, what do I do now!?" You ask starting to freak out. Asami rolls her eyes and answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. You nod your head and sprint out the room, only to hit your head on the door.

*Time Skip*

"And then she smacks her head against the door!" Asami says as she and the crowd laugh. You blush in embarrassment and try to hide your face in Korra's shoulder but she is laughing too. "I know asking someone out in a hospital is a weird thing but it was such a Korra and y/n thing to do." Everyone lets out a laugh and gives a nod of agreement. Asami holds out her glass a little before speaking again. "Anyways, I watched Korra go through many low points in life but always come back from them, which makes me so incredibly happy to see her finally get her happy ending. I may not have known y/n as long but I've never met two people who were so perfect for each other. I wish you both the absolute best and for many more years together." You and Korra both raise your glass, as a thank you to Asami, and give each other a grin. "Now can we please have the newly wed couple come to the dance floor and have their first dance as a married couple." Korra stands up and holds her hand out to you. You give her a smile and let her lead you to the dance floor. When you both get to the floor, you wrap your arms around Korra's shoulders and she wraps hers around your waist. You look at Korra and give her a quick peck on the lips before putting your head on her shoulder. "You know... I think we might have beat Zhu Li and Varrick's wedding... Not by much though." Korra rolls her eyes at your joke before kissing your forehead. "You're lucky I love you."

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