The Princess & The Knight... & Archer? Part 1

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Summary: Redo-ish of the troll episode, a lot of time jumps because the episodes are almost an hour long and that's a lot to cover.

Tanthamore x Reader

You had known Jade and Kit for as long as you could remember. You and Jade had both been stable hands until Commander Ballantine had taken an interest in you both and swept you away into a life of knighthood. While Jade became good with her sword, you preferred a bow and arrow. Because of your training, you were able to meet Princess Kit of Tir Asleen after Queen Sorsha asked the two of you to help her practice/train. Jade would take her out to a rocky cliff where they would duel and you would sun bathe. And you would take her into the forest to either have a competition of some sorts or to hunt, while Jade would sharpen her sword or practice on some trees. Growing up with the two of them had been one of the biggest highlights of your life. Every time you were with them, together or separately, your heart would feel like it was about to beat out of your chest and you felt all these nerves in your stomach. But when you saw Kit kiss Jade the night she was going to run away your heart sunk, the sparkle in your eye faded. And both Kit and Jade noticed... And they were worried.

Both had assumed your emotionlessness stemmed from the capture of Prince Airk, who you also enjoyed hanging out with... After he stopped hitting on you. You had tried your hardest to mask what you felt but seeing Kit and Jade together, both acting like the kiss hadn't even happened, hurt. Maybe they were just trying to keep their relationship on the low since Kit was suppose to marry Prince Graydon. Maybe they weren't in a relationship at all and more so friends with benefits? But why wouldn't they tell you? You had so many questions running through your mind but there was one thing you knew for certain, Kit and Jade's happiness and safety were and will always be your top priority. So when Kit volunteered to go beyond the barrier and Queen Sorsha agreed, you let out a breath of nerves and silently walked away from Jade and stood behind Kit. A silent volunteer to go and a silent vow to yourself to protect the two people you loved who loved each other.

--- Time Skip ---

Things had finally felt like they were looking up, even if the 5 men you were drinking with had also been the same 5 you had knocked out less than 24 hours ago when you thought Jade was going to get killed by her sister. You thought you had already had a big enough heart attack to last a lifetime, until the trolls attacked out of nowhere and Jade appeared informing us that Kit had been taken. Jade tried not to show it but you could tell she was scared, you were too. Neither of you had dealt with trolls or knew much about them. Either way, everyone knew you had to get Kit and Willow back and after spending the rest of the evening coming up with a plan, you all retired to your tents for the night so you could leave early the next day.

As soon as the meeting was over you turned and headed straight to your tent. But when you heard Jade's name said over the crunching of leaves under your foot, you turned around to see her speed walking to catch up to you. She does turn when her name is called, her sister offering to share her tent, but Jade declines and catches up to you. She grabs ahold of your hand and motions for you to lead the way to your tent and you oblige, missing the way Elora's eyes watch both of you leave in confusion before a look of realization and a small smirk take over her face.

As soon as you and Jade entered your tent, she started undressing and doing her nightly routine. Well as close to it as she could get being out in the woods. You just let her do her thing and prepare for bed as well, you and Jade had to share a bed when you were stable hands so you figured you were sharing a bed again now. You got into bed first laying on your side and facing the inside of the bed, Jade mirrored your position. "We'll get her back." You say trying to reassure her as she stares at you, eyes filled with fear. "I was there, I watched her get taken. I should have grabbed her, something."

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