Him again...

96 4 2

as my mind started functioning i could hear noises, but my eyes couldnt open so i was stuck listening for now..

'can you hear me? open your eyes? is she okay? is she dead? should i kick her?'

that last one shocked me, it was all a blur , i didnt recognise the voices

i blinked and slowly opened my eyes to see heads bobbling over me.

'give her some room guys!' a deep slow voice was over me, i looked up to see a mop of curly hair above me, i blinked a few more times and recognised the face.

'YOU!' i yelled and struggled to get up but i managed

'hey... yea sorry about before...' he stumbled on his words

i stood up and wobbled all over the place, not knowing which way was up

'here let me help you, guys, can you help too?' i heard him say

i looked up at his friends and realised who they were

'hey! i know you guys! you're one d------' i started before my mouth was covered


'i dont want your stupis concert tickets!'

they all gave me a confused look

'wh..wh...why..why not?'

'because im not one of your stupid fans!' i yelled a little too loudly

'yep, she definetly bumped her head'

'what will we do?'

'take her back to my house?'

'wow, wow, wow! hold up! i am not going somewhere with you guys!' i refused to go anywhere with them

'fine have it your way...' i was confused until i was flung over someones shoulder only to see red pants, i knew it was the sailor looking one. i started slapping his butt to put me down

'ooh! we got a fiesty one here!' he yelled only making me more angry

they sat me down in the car and started driving


we arrived at a hotel which must of been where they were staying and they took me inside, they introduced themselves so it wasnt as awkward.

'im harry' curly bowed

'im liam' he came up and gave me a hug, i liked this one he was.... normal?

'hey babe im zayn' he gave me a hug aswell

'IM LOUIS!' he ran towards me squishing me in a hug

'cant breathe!' he realised he was still hugging me and let go

'and im niall' my god he has the cutest accent! he came up and hugged me a little longer than the others did, tell the truth i didnt want to let go

i was off in my own world when someone coughed

'sorry what? i wasnt listening'

'whats your name babe?' zayn asked me

'oh, right! my names Maddie'

'well Maddie it is lovely to meet you' liam smiled at me, causing me to smile back

after a while of listening to their conversations and louis running around like crazy, i started feeling my eyes closing as i drifted off to sleep.


i woke up from the sun streaming in on my face, realising i was no longer on the couch, but in a bed. i turned and faced the other way until i saw a face just centimeters from mine

Prove you deserve me (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now