You Sexy Thang

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As soon as I said that I knew I regretted it

They were all smirking then huddled in a group

All I could hear was mumbling and an occasional ‘YES!’ or ‘NOOOO!’

After what seemed like an antagonising few minutes they unhuddled and sat back down, Liam, Louis and Zayn were smirking, Harry had the poker face going and Niall looked almost nervous?


What have I gotten myself into??

They all looked at each other giving the nod

‘we dare you to……….’ Louis slowly stated

My heart was beating out of my chest, I was so nervous I had no idea what was happening


‘OMG GUYS JUST SAY IT!’ I yelled out surprising them but I couldn’t stand it anymore

‘okay okay grumpy pants’ Louis pulled a face of…. I don’t know what it was actually…..

‘we dare you to give Niall a lap dance!’ Louis yelled out

‘seriously, what is with you guys and dirty dares???’ I was getting worried

‘its not fun without dirty ones!’ zayn said with a wink

‘omg guys ………………….fine ill do it’  I gave up because these guys play, if you refuse a dare, 1 item of clothing comes off, and I was wearing a top and shorts, wasn’t planning on taking them off anytime soon.

They turned to the stereo and put on a song that I soon recognised

Hey ladies!

Drop it down

Just wanna see you touch the ground

Don’t be shy girl

Go bananza

Shake your body like a belly dancer

I walked over to Niall and was dropping down, shaking my booty, poppin my boobs, showing off my flexibility by bending over etc

I turned around and crawled up to Niall all sexy like and grinded on his crutch, his mouth was dropped and wasn’t moving, I chuckled and kept going

As the song ended I posed and walked back and sat down, it was dead silent so I looked up and everyone had their mouths dropped staring at me. Talk about awkward

I gave them a few seconds but no one moved

‘WHAT?!’ I yelled obviously shaking them from their day dreams, they coughed and looked away

Awkward again….

‘t-t-t-t-t-tha-a-a-at ww-w-as………….’ Liam stuttered

‘oh spit it out!’ jeez what was wrong with these boys?!

‘so sexy’ Niall blurted out, before covering his mouth and blushing

‘that was so hot’

‘omg Maddie! Harry is so lucky’

‘I know I am! Babe that was the sexiest thing ive ever seen’

‘wow… didn’t expect that…. In a totally good hot way…’

I just chuckled and smiled, it was so easy to turn these boys on, it’s like they’d never seen a lap dance before and considering their truth or dare games, they would have

Prove you deserve me (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now