dont tell

71 2 2


I took a deep breath

‘I just went out for the day, wanted to see some places and get some air…’ I explained while causally walking through them to dump myself on my bed, hiding the smiling that was very strongly trying to form on my face, not being able to hide the red cheeks slowly rising.

‘get some air?’ rach looked at me like she didn’t believe one word I had just said, em had the exact same face on, damn them knowing me so well

I nodded with a sly smile on my face, hoping that would get them off my back

‘who is it?’ Em burst the silence with her forward question

‘who is who?’ thankfully I was good at acting dumb

‘the guy that’s making you blush like crazy and lie like an idiot’ she said in almost a ‘duh?!’ tone

I hadn’t had time to react so I blurted the first thing that popped in my head out, hoping it made some sort of sense..

‘ppffft! What guy? I didn’t meet anyone!’ that was technically true… I already knew him

‘maddie, you are the worst liar in history’ she chuckled but still demanded answers

‘uhh actually no….. rach is’ I said with a cheeky smile forming on my face

Rachael just scoffed and walked out, now I only have to convince one of them

‘madz, why won’t you tell me who it is?’ she became more calm and sat on the bed next to me

‘because there is no one, I was with me, myself and I today, there is no boy’ I put on the most convincing smile i could and hoped she bought it

‘okay…. Then why were you smiling like an idiot, blushing and your lips red and swollen?’ she smiled at me cheekily and at the same time evily like I was busted, but I was not gonna let her win now

‘I was eating an icypole, ran back home because it was late, and when am I not smiling?’ I smiled triamphly, she just looked like she had been completely shut down.

She got up and walked out, still glaring at me, while I flopped back on my bed, replaying the night in my head, continuing to smile and how perfect the night was.

I changed into a singlet and pj shorts and crashed into bed, realising it was midnight.


I woke up to a beep, but it wasn’t my alarm clock.

I swung my arm around trying to find where it was coming from, with my hand landing on a hard object, which turned out to be my phone.

I picked it up, seeing I have a text from Harry, and realising it was 9am

From: Harry

Hey  Maddie :)

Hope you had as much fun as I did yesterday

I still cant stop smiling

What are you doing today? X

I quickly sent a reply

Harry, its 9am!

Holidays means sleep-ins!

Nothing that I know of x

He replied almost instantly

Its time to get upppp!!

Great, ill pick you up at 11 :)

See you then babe x

I didn’t bother replying

Babe? He called me babe….. eek!

I got up, finding the others where I should be…. Asleep

I had a shower, got into my underwear, not sure of what to wear yet and sat down to eat some muesli

I walked into my room and threw every piece of clothing around the room

Don’t you hate it when you just can’t find the right thing to wear? Nothing feels right or looks good enough for that day?

This generally seems to occur when you know you are meeting up with a guy and have time to change your mind over and over again, and eventually run out of time so that the outfit you are currently wearing will do, but the first one looked fine anyway?

Yea that happens to me a lot

I looked at the time…


Shit! I didn’t realise how long I had been trying on clothes, I chucked on my orange tshirt that is the tiniest bit see-through and tucked it into my black high waisted shorts. I put on my black ballet flats and headed to the bathroom

I chucked on some mascara, gave my hair  the beach look with my spray and figured it was good enough, I grabbed my wallet and phone, writing a note to the girls who were still snoring in the background.

Hey hey girlies!

Ive gone out sight-seeing and maybe some shopping, who knows? :)

Dunno when ill be back

If you want me, you got my number

Madz xx


And with that there is a knock on the door....................

‘hee---- wow, you look….bbb beautiful’ harry stuttered while glueing his eyes to me

‘uhh.. tthanks..’ I stood there blushing, looking at the suddenly very interesting floor

Way to make it awkward……

‘so you ready to go?’ harry said as if nothing happened, and putting his arm out, while I link mine with his, I look out and can’t see his car anywhere, he seemed to see the confusion on my face

‘oh, I walked here, you okay to walk?’

‘yea, im fine’ I smiled, thanking myself for putting on shorts and flats instead of a dress and wedges.

‘so…. Today is more of an action day…. You up for that?’ he asked me cautiously

‘yes! Bring it on Styles!’ I chuckled as I jumped onto his back and getting a free piggy back ride for a few minutes before I told him to put me down as I must have been getting heavy.

As we were walking, I noticed there were barely any buildings in sight, just bushes and trees

‘umm Harry… where are we?’ I asked him as we continued walking

‘we’re almost there, hold on’ I stopped myself from asking any further questions

We turned a corner, stopping, looking up at a giant sign in front of us

'aare you ssserious?'


hehe im good a cliff hangers :)

sorry i havent typed in ages! 

school starts monday and i just thought i probably should start the homework... whoops

anyway i should have another chapter up today :)

hope your enjoying it!

comment and  vote!

dont be afraid

i dont bite.. hard ;)

eb xox 

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