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‘TRUTH OR DARE LIAM!!!’ Louis yelled


‘dare it is!’ Louis said with a cheeky grin on his face

‘I said truth’ liam yelled back

‘yea… well you’ve picked truth too many times’ Louis said pack, everyone agreeing

‘fine,  what do I have to do’

Louis’ grin got a lot wider, like he was planning something bad, then the cheeky side showed


Liam looked like he was about to be killed, he was so nervous of what Louis was going to do to him.


The look on Liams face was priceless

‘NO! I am NOT doing that’

‘why not Liam?’ Louis said still with the cheeky grin on

‘the…… girls , they won’t want to see!’ he rolled out excuses

‘I am POSITIVE they won’t mind Liam, and besides they can close their eyes’ assuring while grinning

Liam sighed while taking his shirt off

OMG abs alert!

Then his pants

And his undies

As soon as all clothes were off I was blinded by a pair of hands


I uncovered my eyes to see a naked butt running around the corner, what a nice butt

He came back, putting his clothes on as quickly as possible, he told us not to say anything so we just sat there smirking at what we had just saw, while he was blushing like crazy

I don’t think Harry was very impressed with me but hey! It would be rude to not compliment Liam on his… physique

We sat down, trying to contain the blushing and we carried on with the game.

‘Louis! Truth or dare?’ Zayn asked Louis, everyone already knowing the answer

‘DAAARREEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ he shouted, deafning us

‘I dare you to…’ he said while looking around

‘SEDUCE MADDIE!!!!!!!’ he yelled out

My mouth dropped

Zayn smiled

Louis eyes almost popped out of his head

‘But shes with Haz man’ Louis reasoned

‘as long as it doesn’t mean anything lou, it cant hurt I mean I am watching remember’ he smiled showing his dimples and gave Louis the ‘go ahead’

Louis rushed off to get something and came back with a set of speakers.

He was flicking through his iPhone for some music and pressed play.

I couldn’t believe the song he played….

Kelly, can you handle this?

Michelle, can you handle this?

Beyoncé, can you handle this?

I don't think they can handle this!

Barely move, we've arrived

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