Chapter 20

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The Poisonous Ninja Master

I could hardly sleep when I was so close to the next gym. My energy was a little too much for the gang in the morning.

Haru could hardly open his eyes, even Spike was having trouble keeping him awake. I frowned and poured them food.

"Come on guys! You're supposed to be excited!" I tried.

Haru blinked at me, Spike gave me a slight nod, Osore yawned, and Kaen was still sound asleep.

I hung my head down and fell to the floor. "Fine, we can stay in bed until noon."

They all cheered and quickly went back to sleep. I sighed and made myself some breakfast. I watched them sleep as I ate, and they snored. Spike was the loudest with Osore being the quietest.

Time slowly crept upon my sleeping friends, and before they knew it, they had to wake up. None of them complained since I gave them an extra hour and a half of sleep.

They ate while I finished up my hair, and we were all ready for the gym battle. I gathered them in their pokéballs and headed for the gym.

Fuchsia City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Koga
The Poisonous Ninja Master

I could hardly contain my excitement and ran inside the gym. Once the doors opened, I saw Koga. He was just standing in the middle of the gym, sitting down with his eyes closed.

I grinned and ran straight for him, only to be blocked by an invisible wall. I fell flat on my butt and rubbed my head.

I heard a loud sigh followed by tongue clicking. "Champ in the making... to think you'd be taken down by something like this."

I picked myself up and frowned. "I was not taken down by anything! There's a wall that I can't see..."

"Indeed that is the way of Fuchsia gym, Koga may appear close but you'll have to find gaps within the walls." He informed me.

I was going to have to act like a mime to even get close to Koga. I stretched my hands out and began feeling my way around. I felt my face flush a little because holding my hands out while walking was rather embarrassing.

I found a gap between the front walls, and it finally led me to Koga. He was still sitting in the same position as he was when I first saw him.

Koga let out a thunderous laugh as he stood up. "A mere child like you dares to challenge me?"

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I'm 16! I'm not that young!"

Koga snickered. "The very idea makes me shiver with mirth."

"Is it that interesting?" I asked.

He nodded and smirked. "I shall show you the true terror as a ninja master."

I threw out Kaen while Koga threw out Koffing. The ball of purple with a face and a skull on its lower half spewed smoke out of its little holes. Koffing was also levitating, so I couldn't use and ground-type moves.

"Flamethrower!" I shouted to Kaen.

Kaen inhaled and drew out a bright orange breath which seared the floating purple ball. However, it wasn't enough to take it down.

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