Chapter 88 - Xia Yu's Letter Of Challenge

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

He wasn't one to contend with words, thus he was unable to outspeak the sharp-tongued Li Lei. At that moment, he only spoke with a deep voice, "Cut the crap, it's your turn to bid."

Li Lei shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Five million."

Oh my god, five million! The surrounding diners were stricken dumb with amazement. Previously, they had guessed that it would be four million, but in the end, Young Master Li started off with five million! The fact that Young Master Li spent five million on an ice-cream would definitely spark discussion. People who were clear about his abilities would know that even though he was from a wealthy family, he had fought hard to achieve his status today. Those who weren't clear would definitely think of him as a prodigal son squandering the family fortune away!

Xia Ling tugged at him again and shook her head with all her might.

Li Lei only smiled. "Be good, don't hinder your man from showing off."

What did he just say... her man...?!

Xia Ling's face turned black. That guy was taking advantage of her just because she couldn't rebut him!

When she was off to another world, Pei Ziheng had already upped his bid. "Ten million."

There was complete silence.

People who were exclaiming and discussing the situation had all realized that something fishy was going on. Even if they were just trying to vent their spleen, they were clearly going overboard. Ten million was enough to buy a girl a mansion, which girl would choose an insignificant ice-cream over a mansion? To bid for the ice-cream with such a whopping price, the restaurant might not necessarily dare to accept such a huge amount of money!

Indeed, the Four Season's Restaurant dared not accept.

When the prices went too high, even if the bidder had managed to make a hit and vent their spleen, things may be different after they calmed down. They might feel that they were cheated by the restaurant and at that moment, the restaurant would be in deep trouble.

Thus, with such a high bid, the restaurant's emcee had no choice but to intervene. "Alright, Mr. Pei is willing to pay ten million. Mr. Li, are you willing to pay ten million as well?"

"Ten million?" Li Lei sneered and continued, "I would have no problem with twenty million."

"Thirty million." Pei Ziheng upped his bid without batting an eyelid.


Li Lei was about to continue when the emcee shouted hastily. "Stop—!"

If this were to go on, her weak heart would not be able to take it. She was an old-timer auction emcee at Four Seasons Restaurant and was used to seeing money. However, this was the first time she encountered such troublesome money. "Ten million, ten million is the maximum." The emcee forced a laugh. She didn't dare to allow those two big shots to continue upping their bid. "Since the two big... two gentlemen are willing to pay ten million, it would not be possible for either of them to win if the auction continues. What do you think about playing a mini-game instead?"

To decide the winner with a mini-game?

"Sure." Li Lei agreed, nodding his head.

Both Pei Ziheng and him did not lack money, there was indeed no point in continuing with the bidding. It would be better if they were to switch to another method.

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