Chapter 96 - The Force Of A Goddess

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

Xia Yu's eyes lit up.

What brand? It must be a small brand. I'll just let her interject with this little advertisement. This bitch, does she think that singing one song rather well would make the audience accept a small, unknown brand?

A small brand could not hold a candle to Ideal C Perfume.

Xia Yu was thinking to herself that this small brand that Xia Ling was endorsing would definitely be overshadowed by Ideal C Perfume. Even if she sang her song slightly worse than "Ye Xingling," with the backing of the Ideal C Perfume brand, she would still beat "Ye Xingling" in popularity by a little.

Hence, she smiled and said, "Let's take a look then. I am very interested to find out."

The emcee had been bribed by Imperial Entertainment and, on hearing that Xia Yu was agreeable to the interjection, it was a perfect way to save the awkward situation she was in now, thus she immediately acquiesced to Xia Ling's request to move things along to the next segment.

The promotional video was prepared beforehand by Gu Financial Magnate, and it slowly appeared on the big screen as the lights diminished in the stadium and a piece of mysterious background music started to play. The Gu Financial Magnate had always sought perfection in anything that they presented to the public, and this time they were collaborating with Skyart Entertainment. With both sides cooperating, the promotional video was akin to a Hollywood blockbuster.

When "Meteor Wings" appeared on the screen, everyone stared awestruck at the elegant and classy perfume on screen. On the light bluish purple frosted glass bottle cap that was as beautiful as the night sky, the Gu Financial Magnate's official logo was engraved together with a small "S."

Oh my God, how was that possible? "Ye Xingling" was the endorsement model for Gu Financial Magnate's S perfume!

The wings of stars, the light of Gods...

It was unbelievable.

Gu Financial Magnate's perfumes were split into C, B, A, and S gradings, with S being its most premium brand. Many loyal fans and followers of the Gu branded perfumes tried to recall when was the last time that the Gu family had released a new S graded perfume. Oh yes, it was more than a century ago, when Gu Financial Magnate had just been established. That "Irresistible Charm" perfume had boosted them right to the top from a small, unknown little workshop to an international conglomerate that was heralded by many.

After "Irresistible Charm," Gu Financial Magnate had released many well-reputed and best-selling perfumes, dominating the perfume industry steadily year on year. However, the highest grade they had released was only an A grade. As for the S grade, this "Meteor Wings" perfume was but the second of the line.

A century of silence before the release of the second S grade perfume. How would it rock the world?

And its endorser was none other than that woman called "Ye Xingling"...

The audiences' eyes were glued to the promotional video. In the video, Xia Ling was singing and dancing with ease, overflowing with grace and a distinguished air, complementing "Meteor Wings" perfectly. It was like she was born to be the endorser for "Meteor Wings," and at the same time, it seemed like "Meteor Wings" was made just for her.

"So beautiful..." Someone exclaimed softly.

"Nobody is more suited to be the endorser for 'Meteor Wings' than her..." Another commented.

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