Chapter 84 - Giving Up His Persistence Because Of Her

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

The underworld forces of the city were in a mess.

Unwelcome guests from the Li Family paid visits to all the well-known and respected triad bosses of the underworld. Be it gambling den owners, drug dealers, pimps, smugglers, loan sharks or hired guns, none was spared.

They were dressed in black and heavily armed, coldly emitting the smell of death. "Second Young Master Li wants to take over this city. You could choose to obey and pledge allegiance to him or put up a stubborn resistance."

The triad bosses were all surprised.

A young triad boss called to report the incident to his uncle. "Fourth Uncle, who is Second Young Master Li? I have never heard of him. This is a joke, he wants me to pledge allegiance to him just because he has some weapons and underlings. Didn't he get a line on what the Fang Family deals with? Who does he think he is to dare to offend us? He must be tired of living..."

"You are the one tired of leaving!" His Fourth Uncle was immensely terrified and chided him. "Quickly find out who this Second Young Master Li is. If it's Li Lei, pledge allegiance right away. He could wipe us out just by moving his fingers!"

The young triad boss grew increasingly uncomfortable. "My god, the consequences are so dire? Who the hell is this Li Lei?"

"He is the grandson of Li Shanhe," said Fourth Uncle Fang.

"Who is Li Shanhe?" he asked, getting even more confused. His family, the Fang Family, had dominated this city for ages and he clearly had never heard of a big shot named Li Shanhe.

Even though the Li Family was of Chinese origin, they were foreigners and had chosen to expand their empire overseas for generations, rarely being involved in local business, thus it was not strange for him to not have heard about them. Many medium-scale forces had not heard of Old Master Li due to this. Even so, the name Li Shanhe reverberated like thunder among the big shots who were considered to have a top-notch influence both locally and internationally. They could only look up to him.

Having stepped into the underworld longer, Fourth Uncle Fang was more knowledgeable than his nephew. As he realized that his nephew was never able to get it straight, he finally cut to the point. "You don't know Li Shanhe? But you should have heard about the Italian Mafia, right?"

"I have heard of them indeed." That question was almost unnecessary. Which underworld member had not heard of the Mafia?

"Second Young Master Li is the grandnephew of the Mafia's godfather."

The young triad boss could not believe his ears. The grandnephew of the Mafia's godfather! When did such a big shot arrive in the city?! "He... he wants to set up base camp here in our city?" he asked stammeringly.

"He did so long ago." Fourth Uncle Fang smiled bitterly. He had already greeted the different powerful forces in the city a few years ago, claiming that everyone should stay in their lanes as he had no intention to interfere in the underworld's current power structure as he was there for legal business. He requested everyone to not panic and continue to carry on with their own affairs as per normal.

Things had remained peaceful for many years.

Everyone wondered what had happened to Second Young Master Li that could make him want to take over the underworld forces all of a sudden.

"Pledge allegiance to him. Don't create trouble for our family." Fourth Uncle Fang reminded his nephew.

After being stuck in a daze for quite some time over the phone, the young gang leader made up his mind as he hung up. "The Fang Family will pledge their allegiance."

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