Chapter 16 - Modifying The Song Score

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

Xia Ling was not impressed. He was only giving her a bouquet of flowers after all she suffered? From a different point of view, however, he had readily footed all of her medical fees and took the initiative to provide her treatment. He also allowed her to stay in this spacious mountain villa's VIP guest room with full board completely free-of-charge. It could be said that he had taken full responsibility for the situation already.

The current place that she was staying in was truly a VIP guest room. Unlike the drabby rooms that they were provided for the MV filming, midway up the mountain, the room here exuded class. The thick, soft carpet that came up to your ankles when you stepped into it; the well-stocked bar counter around the corner; the themed ceiling and wall designs, with interchangeable lighting effects, coupled with the natural fragrance and sound system — the starry sky at night, the ocean view, the desert...

It was apparent that the owner of this place knew what it meant to enjoy life to the fullest.

Resultantly, she had the privilege of enjoying the comfort of all these pleasures in the past few days. Undoubtedly, luxury in moderation really did help to lift her spirits. Yet, it was only a few days before Xia Ling felt bored. She never got used to doing nothing. She felt that she had to be busy while she was still alive.

Since she had reincarnated, a large portion of her time had been spent in dance practice. Now that she could dance comfortably in this body, it was time to make sure that her voice could match up as well. After all, she was still ultimately a singer, even though she had to be involved in many other side activities.

In this life, her voice was completely different than the voice she had in her past life. This was a natural gift, not something that could be changed via human means. In her past life, she had a riveting voice with the ability to sing across a vast range. No matter how high or low the song was, she was able to hit the notes effortlessly. Any melody that was of great challenge to other singers would seem easy when sung by her.

Xia Ling thought sadly that perhaps this was the reason that Pei Ziheng had chosen her from the orphanage. Not only did she have an extraordinarily beautiful face, but she also had a voice that was one of a kind. Perhaps Pei Ziheng had simply wanted the perfect artiste from the very beginning, and she simply checked all the boxes.

In this life, she was seemingly much more normal. In terms of visuals, she was pretty but not an immediate head turner, and her singing range was much narrower than before. High notes that she used to sing with ease now required more effort and concentration.

Of course, the lack in talent was something that could be supplemented through hard work. All that needed to be done was to put in more energy and perseverance than anybody else. After all, music was the sound of one's heart, present deep down within everyone's soul. Like the stones silently sitting on the river bed, they might come in many different patterns and shapes, but if you put in the effort and patience to polish each one of them, every stone could give off its own unique charm.

Her job was to find the projection that was most compatible with the voice she had in this life.

In the following days, she tried to sing the songs she had sung in her past life. As expected, there were many twists and turns in the melodies that she felt unequipped to sing. She noted each of these parts down and categorized them into those which could be accomplished through practice, those which were simply impossible due to lack in talent, and also those that were not suitable for the voice she had in this life and had to be reworked...

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