Chapter 94 - The Lip-synching Incident

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them. 

The spotlights on the stage lit up brightly.

The emcee and Xia Yu walked onstage, and from the opposite end, Sister Mai Na also came onstage to stand beside Xia Ling.

"How's your voice?" Sister Mai Na asked Xia Ling in concern.

After singing her song, Xia Ling had remained quiet not saying an extra word, simply bowing even in the final concluding segment. At this moment, she gave Sister Mai Na a smile and shook her head indicating that she did not need to worry.

An expression of relief flashed across Sister Mai Na's face.

Seeing this exchange between Sister Mai Na and Xia Ling, Xia Yu was doubly sure that Xia Ling had lip-synched. See, this bitch could not even speak, who was she trying to fool?

"Ye Xingling, your singing isn't too bad." Xia Yu said gently. "Can you sing that sentence 'The wings of the stars is the light of the Gods' for me again? It was really good."

Xia Ling gave her a cynical look. Who was she to order her to sing?

Sister Mai Na responded in an icy voice, "Thank you for appreciating the song. However, we said in the opening that Xiao Ling's throat isn't very good today and singing the entire song once is already a big burden for her. She will not be using her vocal cords anymore to avoid excessive burden today."

"That's just too bad," said Xia Yu with a tinge of malice. "Ye Xingling, you really kept very quiet today. Other than the song just now we haven't heard a single sentence from you. It looks like your throat is indeed in a bad condition."

"Xiao Ling already sang her song, we should be getting the audience to vote on who they prefer now." Sister Mai Na apparently did not want to spend more time dwelling on the topic of Xia Ling's voice with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu inconspicuously glanced towards someone offstage.

From the audience, a loud male voice rang out — "Ye Xingling cheated! Ye Xingling lip-synched!"

The man who had shouted out was extremely close to the stage. Just as he finished his sentence, the emcee raised the microphone to her mouth and said loudly in shock. "That gentleman over there, what did you say? Ye Xingling lip-synched?" Her voice was transmitted through the speakers in the stadium, and the entire stadium started to buzz with commotion.

"Ye Xingling lip-synched! I have evidence!" That man continued shouting.

"Evidence?" The emcee continued to speak into the microphone. "This gentleman, you can't just run your mouth like that. Please come up onstage to show us what evidence you have! We will not let off any singer that lip-synchs, and will not let you accuse any singer of lip-synching if they haven't!" The emcee seemed like she was trying to play it fair, but in actual fact, she was simply guiding the situation to a point where Ye Xingling's lip-synching evidence would have to be laid bare in front of the entire audience! This would make it such that Ye Xingling would not be able to get out of it at all!

Xia Yu was very satisfied. This emcee, as well as the man who was acting as the "informer" about the lip-synching, had been planted by Imperial Entertainment beforehand. Since that bitch, Ye Xingling, wanted to fake it, then she could not blame Imperial Entertainment for making use of it!

That man came up onstage very quickly.

Sister Mai Na was furious. "This gentleman over here! Xiao Ling doesn't know you at all and has not offended you in any way! Why would you accuse her of lip-synching?!"

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