Chapter 85 - Forgetting The Past

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

Xia Ling felt that she had just woken up from a really long dream. It had battle noises, messy lights, limitless fog, as well as a fearsome devil holding a green medicine bottle in his hand. She desperately ran and ran for an unknown period of time before she tripped and fell down a cliff, descending into an abyss of darkness.

She woke up in shock all of a sudden.

What came into view was a handsome man's face.

As she stared into his deep and silent eyes filled with concern, clarity returned to her mind.

Where was she? She wanted to speak, but she panicked as she realized that she was still mute.

"Don't worry Xiao Ling, the doctor has already checked out your throat and concluded that there is still a chance of recovery. Trust me, I will definitely make sure that you are cured." He attempted to comfort her with his warm voice.

She stared at him with uncertainty. Is that so?

"Yup, I swear on it," he said smiling warmly as though he could read her mind.

Her racing heart then began to slow down.

"Write down whatever you wish to say," he said as he passed her a writing tablet.

Xia Ling took the tablet and began to write on it with her beautiful handwriting.Where am I? How long has it been?

"You remained unconscious for an entire day. You're on my turf now. You're very safe." Li Lei roughly informed her of what had happened while she was unconscious. "I sent people to destroy Pei Ziheng's properties. Today, when the stock market opens to quote the stock prices, the Pei Family's stock prices will drop drastically. I even prepared much negative news for him. This will teach him a lesson."

As she heard that man's name, it was as though a sword had been driven into her heart.

That night, he had spared zero thought for her as he forced the medicine down her throat cruelly and mercilessly, destroying all hopes and fantasy she ever had for him. She was not sure if Pei Ziheng loved Xia Ling, but she was certain that he had no feelings for "Ye Xingling" at all. The life of Diva Xia Ling had ended and was all in the past. At that moment, she was "Ye Xingling" and had...

Nothing to do with him.

I would like to get a few days' rest. She informed Li Lei via the tablet.

She needed time to bury all her memories of that man. From that moment on, as he hit the high road, she would cross the log bridge. The rocky and stormy life, love and death she had experienced had become the past.

Li Lei brought her back to the condo and she locked herself in to lick her wounds.

Li Lei was extremely worried and visited her every day to cook her meals, bring her tea and water, as well as water the plants and feed the fishes. He never disturbed her and often found it extremely hard to leave after silently accompanying her.

Finally, the day arrived when she tugged at Li Lei, who was delivering lunch. I would like to go out for a walk, she wrote.

"Xiao Ling?" Li Lei was taken by surprise.

She beamed at him and began to write: Thank you for showing concern for me during this period of time. I'm totally fine, don't worry.

He was gladder than her. "It's great that you are fine. Come, let's go out for a walk."

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