Chapter 86 - The Head Chef's Specially Crafted Ice-Cream

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This chapter has been translated by Atlas Studios. All credits belong to them.

That man was wearing a dark black suit and sat down at the table diagonally opposite them. The dim lighting from the chandelier reflected the outline of his god-like, majestic appearance. He had a cold expression and appeared down-cast as he gave his orders to the waiter.

He brought a female partner, Xia Yu.

In that short moment, Xia Ling felt as though her heart had been squeezed by something, hurting her. In the previous life, no matter how coquettishly she acted and how many tantrums she threw, he refused to bring her to this restaurant. However, he brought Xia Yu there today.

However, she quickly suppressed her surging emotions. Since she had already decided to cut ties with her past, she felt that she shouldn't be nostalgic about it. She turned to Li Lei and fixated her gaze on him. The man before her was the one that had showered her with care in her current lifetime. He took her in, risked his life to save her from danger, would think of ways to make her happy, and would also attempt to pacify her patiently...

She wasn't sure what place she had in Li Lei's heart, but she could feel his sincerity.

"Why are you staring at me?" He smiled widely as he pushed the first dish to her. "This Cabbage salad with caviar is excellent. This restaurant has a unique way of modulating their sauce, making it more tasty and refreshing compared to others. You will definitely like it."

It was always his specialty when it came to food.

Xia Ling took a bite, realized it was exactly like he said and beamed at him.

The soup, main course, hot appetizers, cold appetizers and so on were served, and they were all meticulously cooked and prepared. Li Lei chatted with her while he passed her the salt and other condiments. Her voice had yet to recover, so it was her listening to him speak the whole time. He was good at steering the topic of conversation, choosing the anecdotes that could spark her interest, lightening the mood and creating a friendly atmosphere.

The gentle lighting set off her fair and exquisite features, making her appear gentle and refined.

Pei Ziheng and Xia Yu's dishes arrived as well. As Pei Ziheng picked up his utensils and was about to start eating, he coincidentally caught sight of the couple not far away who was diagonally opposite him. He hand shook slightly and his fork knocked into the edge of the ceramic plate, creating a sharp noise.

For a man like him, who was brought up by a rich and powerful family with a long history, it was considered a gaffe to do that.

Xia Yu was clearly shocked, but he was not in the least aware.

His gaze was coldly fixated on Xia Ling, observing her radiant cheeks, fair and delicate neck, and her round and fine shoulders... Her dark black hair glowed with a beautiful shine under the lighting and every casual movement of hers was captivating, making it extremely difficult for people to stop staring.

Damn it, isn't she just a slut, but why whenever she smiled at Lei Li he could feel his blood boil?

"Brother Ziheng..." Xia Yu carefully stole a glance at his expression and was madly filled with jealousy when she saw that he couldn't remove his gaze from Xia Ling. Why is that slut here too? Who's that handsome and rich-looking man beside her? How did she snag such a fine man? How is she worthy?!

On second thought... it may as well be that way.

Xia Yu's nails dug into her palm. Then, she wouldn't try to snatch Brother Ziheng from me.

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