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This takes place when Tommy and Tubbo are both around 13 and have their first Halloween with their new brothers. Don't judge me I wanna do it. Ima do one for Thanksgiving and Christmas if I somehow stretch this book out long enough for that.

'~Smol Tommy~'
I open the door to my room before screaming in horror and running to Tubbo's side of the room. I hear laughter as Wilbur takes the weird wolf mask off his face and starts clutching his stomach. I narrow my eyes at him before looking down at a now awake Tubbo.

"Do you two know what week it is?" Wilbur asks as he throws the mask somewhere in our room. I roll my eyes as Tubbo sits up in bed and shrugs.

"It's the week of Halloween! We gotta get you two lads some costumes!" Wilbur says as he throws his hands in the air excitedly. I look from Wilbur to Tubbo before pausing to think.



~_Monday October 28th_'
I sprint into the Halloween store and immediately start looking around at the options. Tubbo is over looking at some kind of unicorn onesie or some shit. I know what I wanna be though, I wanna be a vampire. I'm going to scare the shit outta Wilbur after I get all the fake blood on.

"Now Tommy, remember we have a budget okay?" Techno says as he walks up behind me, I'm currently looking at fake fangs and fake blood. The capsules you can put in your mouth and then pop, I want a few of those. I could set off one of Phill's guns and then have fake blood around me in the firing range!

"Tommy... No." Techno says as he tries pulling me away from the section. I turn around but not after grabbing two bottles and three capsules. Techno rolls his eyes before throwing a pack of fake fangs at me.

"Can I borrow one of your capes for my costume?" I ask Techno as he hands the worker his credit card. He looks down at me before smiling and rustling my hair.

"Absolutely not." He says as he hands me the plastic bag. I pout before seeing Tubbo waiting outside the glass doors. I rush over to him and immediately look in his bag.

"Huh? What are you gonna be?" I ask in confusion. He smiles before taking out a rainbow unicorn onesie and a head band with a unicorn horn. He puts it on and smiles at me. I stare at him before flicking the horn once.

"OW! I can feel that!" Tubbo says. I roll my eyes at him before dragging him towards the car. Tomorrow is prank day.

~_Tuesday October 29th_~
I fill the pistol with a blank and look down at the pool of fake blood around me. I have a capsule in my mouth for me to pop when I set off the gun. I push down the trigger before letting out my most convincing scream.

"TOMMY!" A voice screams as I drop to the floor and break the capsule under my tongue. I almost flinch and get up because it's Tubbo who found me. Not Wilbur or Techno or Phill.

"TOMMY WAKE UP!" Tubbo screams, I hear footsteps rushing towards the firing range and catch a small glimpse of Phill's panicked face and Wilbur's horrified expression.

"It's alright Tubbo, it's alright." Wilbur says as he brings Tubbo away from me. I can hear him sobbing, and I feel a pang of guilt rush through my body.

"Tubbo it's alright." I say, Phill looks down at me shocked as Tubbo glances my way with hope in his eyes. I stand up before spitting out the empty capsule and pointing to the fake blood on the floor.

"It was all fake Tubbo, I promise." I say as he starts calming down. I see Phill practically boiling with rage but that can wait for another time, Tubbo runs and knocks me over before sobbing into my shoulder and smacking me harshly.

"Don't do that again! I never want to see you like that again!!" He whines as he pushes his head deeper into my shoulder. I rub his back before taking a quick glance at Wilbur and Phill, and oh boy I can already tell I have extra training laps coming. A lot of them.

~_Wednesday October 30th_~
I can't feel my legs. After George heard about what happened he made me run 15 miles, with 5 mile sprints and 5 minutes to rest in between. I roll into my blanket more as I feel a small poke on my shoulder. I look up and see Tubbo's face peaking over the edge of my bed.

"Tubbo let me sleep please?" I ask in an exasperated voice. He drops something on my night stand before walking out of the room and granting me peace and quiet. I turn to look what he gave me and I'm filled with happiness when I see a glass of water and some Advil.

I take the pills before snuggling into my sheets and promptly passing out.

~_Thursday October 31st_~
"Tommy! You slept the entire day!" Tubbo's voice says as he wakes me up in the morning. I grumble before finally getting out of bed and squeaking at how sore I still am. Tubbo looks at me excitedly before I realize he's in the rainbow onesie. Oh, it's today.

"Well happy Halloween to you too Tubbo." I say as I stretch, I smell something nice coming from the kitchen and trudge down there to see what's happening. I'm greeted by the sight of Nikki and Bad in the kitchen baking pies and pumpkin muffins.

I reach out to grab one of the muffins before Bad lightly hits my hand away. He shakes his head at me as a warning signal. I sigh before going over to sit on the couch.

"Oh sweet muffins." Sapnap says as he comes down the stairs followed by George and Dream. He grabs one and shoves it in his mouth before Bad can stop him. He immediately opens his mouth after swallowing the piping hot treat and rushes to the sink for cold water.

George and Dream start howling with laughter as Sapnap tries glaring at them. But a man with his tongue in ice cold water isn't very intimidating if you ask me. Wilbur and Phill come down to see what the noise is about before each doing the same thing Sapnap did.

By this time Tubbo and I are also laughing our heads off. Wilbur glares at me before spitting out the ice cube he had in his mouth.

"Tommy if you don't shut up right now you're not going trick or treating."


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