Chapter 23

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I wake up in Tommy's arms, I snuggle closer as my head pounds in objection. I feel his hand wrap around my shoulder tighter before a soft kiss plants itself on my forehead. I hum in contentment as he fiddles with my hair.

"How does your head feel?" He asks as he shifts to look down at me. I grumble in response before attempting to move even further into his chest. He sighs before grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back lightly.

"You can't ignore the world Tubbo..." He whispers softly. I shake my head before a huge wave of pain hits me hard. I groan before pushing my head back into his chest. I hear him sigh and feel my hair move slightly as he wraps his arms around me again.


I stare at my down at my feet in guilt. I'm standing in the bathroom with the door locked. I run a hand through my hair and shake my head to try and get the screams out of my head. I sigh before running the water and reaching for the soap.


I shake my head with a shudder as I move on to grab paper towels. I remember that night, the night I got lost in the house during a raid and two boys came to save me and my sister. They didn't know who we were, but I know it had to be those two.

I unlock the door and step out into my huge room. It's more like a condo if I'm being honest. Serena lives right next door on my left, Parker is on the right. I hear a thwak sound from my left. Serena must be playing with daggers again.

I hear my door open behind me, I spin around on my heel and pull out the hand gun at my waist. I see a black blurry figure rushing my left. I turn to protect myself but suddenly the hand my gun is in is in the hair and the other pinned behind my back.

"Wow, and here I thought you would be better at defending yourself." Parker says in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes before wiggling out of his grip. I walk towards the kitchen and hear his footsteps coming behind me. I throw a mug over my shoulder and hear a squeak, but not any shattering noises.

"I thought you're supposed to be ready for anything." I say in a cocky tone as I pour hot water into my own mug. I drop a cherry tea bag into mine and see. Parker walking over to the keurig for coffee.

"God you're so American." I grumble out as I walk over to the fridge. He rolls his eyes at me before mimicking my accent and making weird faces. I throw a banana at him to shut him up. I hear a thunk and then a thud as he slams into the wall.

"Ow." He says plainly. I laugh while I pour the milk into his coffee and open the cabinet to grab some sugar for my tea. I frown once I see I'm out of sugar. He walks over to me before looking up at the cabinet and groaning.

"Ashton, for the last time you don't have to have sugar in your tea." He says. I growl at him before going to get my shoes, they're high top boots with a two inch platform, and my 5'3 ass needs them in order to avoid teasing.

"Yeah, yeah I do." I say as I start tying them up. He sighs and I bet he rolled his eyes as well. He walks to my closet to grab the extra pair of shoes he always keeps here along with an extra set of clothes.

"Come on then, time to go to the market." I say as I pull a jacket over my shoulders. He walks in front of me before opening the door and bowing to me.

"After you sir." He says in a horrid British accent. I slap his head as I walk by him as he rises rubbing his head. We get to the elevator and hear my father's voice being carried from the meeting room. I wince as I hear his tone sharpen.

"Looks like the boss is in a debate right now." Parker says as the elevator door opens. The drive to the supermarket was short. I walk in before freezing slightly at the sight of red and pink hair. I continue walking towards the sugar isle as I make eye contact with him.

"Do you know him?" Parker asks once we get past Phill. I shake my head before grabbing the shopping basket from Parker and placing three huge bags of sugar in it.

"Thanks for paying by the way, y'know since I forgot my wallet."

"For the love of god Ashton why."

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