Chapter 4

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I push my back against the building as Sapnap, Dream and Wilbur circle the other sides. I'm by the door, meaning I get to be all badass by kicking the door open and yelling 'SURPRISE BITCHES.' Well, maybe not screaming that because Wilbur didn't want me to, but just maybe.

I kick the door open and immediately start firing gunshots, what I hear in response is just plain screaming. Wilbur rushes in and takes my gun away from me with a glare. He pulls me outside the door as I hear gunshots wizzing behind me.

"You idiot, did you not listen to instructions? This house needs BACKUP meaning dont go guns blazing because we might hit our friends." Wilbur says as he shoves the gun back into my chest. I stop before grinning sheepishly and rushing into the house.

Dream and Sapnap have already cleared out the rest and are now helping our wounded comrades. I look around before making eye contact with a familiar face. I see tears welling in his eyes, he rushes over and hugs me tightly. I hug him back almost crying as well.

"GEORGE!" I hear Dream scream out. ( @pineapplesaregud you wanted this )

"GEORGEE!" Sapnap screams as he rushes across the room, I turn around quickly and see the horror in the two men's eyes. George lays there on the floor blood pooling at his side. Wilbur rushes over to him before being shoved out of the way by Nikki.

"Back off, let me do my work." Nikki says in a scarily serious voice. I stare at George and see his stomach rising and falling painstakingly slowly. Wilbur grabs my wrist and leads me outside along with everyone else. Once we're outside I see Dream collapse onto his knees, I start walking towards him but Wilbur blocks me.

"Don't." He says quietly. I nod as I step back, I feel shaky hands on my shoulders and turn around to see Tubbo looking horrified at this whole situation. I take him into a big hug and rub his back gently.

"He'll be alright, he's with Nikki." I whisper, he chokes out sobs and I can't help but cry as well. Did I shoot him? Is it my fault that George is hurt? I think to myself in guilt. Techno comes over and pats my back awkwardly before pacing in front of the house.

I look over to Dream and see Sapnap now also laying down with him, they both look so defeated. So... empty.

George please, please George stay alive for us please... I think numbly as the cold pavement sinks into my skin. I could care less, my only thoughts right now are on George. I turn my head slightly to see Sapnap curled into a ball sobbing, I put my hand on his shoulder, making him turn around.

He makes eye contact with me before scooting closer and burying his face into my chest. I put my hand on his head and cry into his shoulder. All I want is for George to come out and say that the blood was someone else's and that he just got knocked down. That's all I want.

I watch Dream and Sapnap with pain in my heart. I want to console them, tell them that it'll be alright, but I know it's not my place. They've known George for longer than I have, I still think of him as a brother. But the loss their feeling isn't the same as mine.

I hear a car pulling up and see Bad rushing from a car. He runs into the house with a medical kit without saying a word to any of us. We're just stuck here, standing in the cold hoping he'll be alright. I feel a hand on my back and turn around to see Fundy.

"He'll be alright, he's strong Eret." Fundy says in a comforting tone, I nod before looking back at the house. I can't imagine how Nikki and Bad are feeling right now, having to work on their friends still body...

I kneel down next to Nikki before looking to see what we're working with. I gasp before immediately trying to stop the bleeding Nikki looks over at me with a sorrowful look in her eye.

"It won't stop... Bad it won't stop." She chokes out, my eyes widen and I lunge at him, trying to do everything I can to stop the blood rushing from his side. She's right though, it's not gonna stop... easily.

"We're gonna try." I see Nikki open her mouth, trying to tell me it's hopeless, "WE WILL TRY!" I say clutching my hands until my knuckles turn white. She steps back, she understands. Understands that I can't sit back and watch someone die again.

I see darkness, everything is dark. I stand up and see someone running towards me. Skeppy? How... How are you here? I think as he rushes towards me, I then hear Bad's voice, filled with pain, begging me to wake up.

"George, come with me." Skeppy says as he holds out his hand for me to take, I reach my hand out before hearing Bad scream again.

"Skeppy... I'm sorry, I can't." I say as I look down at my feet, he smiles before nodding. He didn't have this choice, he couldnt've been saved. A bullet through the head, I can still see what should be a gaping hole. It's terrifying.

"Go on then, you have to be there for them." Skeppy says as he turns me around and pushes me. I nod before running towards Bad's voice, running like there's no tomorrow. There might not be a tomorrow if I don't get there though.

I see Nikki walk out, her hands are covered in blood and her face is tear stained. I rush over to her quickly before opening my mouth to ask the dreaded question.

"He's not dead, just in critical condition. He's most likely going to go into a coma though. But he'll be alive." Nikki explains, I feel everyone take a deep breath. Sapnap runs up to me and puts his hand on my back.

"Better than dead." We respond at the same time.

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