Chapter XLII

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You finished the dinner and left to join the ladies for tea and conversation in a sitting room. You sat next to the fireplace and held your fan in your hand. Grace was speaking to some of the other  women. You enjoyed some more tea, this time it was of better quality but not as perfect as Belmont's teas are. Every now and then, someone would pass by and congratulate you on the engagement. The clock struck 9pm, you finished your tea and stepped out of the room. You ventured down the hall and heard where the men were gathering; drinking, smoking, and talking. Debating, you decided to leave them to themselves. "Perhaps I should just retire for the night." You began to wonder the halls until you could find a member of staff. The home was much more lively in decor and atmosphere than the Phantomhive estate. You paused in front of a photo of a country hillside and a couple enjoying a picnic together overlooking a small pond. You smiled slightly at the painting, it was very simple yet lovely. "Excuse me, miss?" You turned to see a young boy staring at you and carrying a box of cigars. "Can I help you?" You smiled kindly, "oh yes, I wish to retire for the night but I am not sure where my belongings were placed." He looked behind him, "I am sure Roger can help you miss. He was in the dining room." He bowed and stepped around you. You thank him and made your way to the dining room. You entered and a few staff members stopped what work they were doing to see how they could assist. An older gentleman introduced himself as Roger and offered to lead you to a guest room that held your belongings. You followed him out into the hall and up the stairs. He opened one of the bedroom doors and led you in. "Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable madame." He bowed before leaving. It was a simple room with a small desk, wardrobe, and bed. You clothing was placed out on your bed and hanging in the wardrobe. You rushed to work and begin to undress. You placed the jewelry and the ring down on the desk. You quickly took the corset off and then your shift. There was indentations on your skin from the fabric of your shift and small red spots all around your mid-section. You reached down to touch your toes and then back up to the ceiling, trying to stretch some. You changed into a nightgown and began to wash your face. Afterwards, you laid back in bed and read your book some before drifting to the sleep.

You awoke in the morning. It was Christmas Day. You smiled and rushed to get ready for the day. Your hair was still curly from the day before but you pulled it back up into your normal style. You dressed in a light grey long sleeved dress. You glanced down at the desk were the ring sat from the night before. You decided to leave it in your pocket for now and stepped out into the hall. There wasn't anyone in sight. "A morning stroll would be nice." You thought as you made your way back to the dining room. One of the servants grabbed your cloak for you and you made your way out to the gardens. It looked different during the day with the snow covering the trees, bushes, and ground. The sun hung  low in the morning sky and the cool air kissed your bare cheeks. You shivered slightly, "My Lady," you heard Sebastian's voice behind you. You turned to see him bowed, "The Lord wishes to depart as early as possible." "Oh, I thought we were staying for at least breakfast." You mentioned. "I have the meal prepared for the trip back to the manor, my Lady." He turned slightly, motioning you back inside. You followed him indoors. "I will begin to collect your belongings Lady Belmont." You nodded as he dropped you off in the sitting room where Ciel was talking to your host.  You curtsied to both of the gentlemen and sat down next to Lord Phantomhive. You didn't speak as the men spoke of business. You smiled politely every time either one of them glanced your direction. Sebastian returned and you said your thanks and goodbyes.

The carriage ride home was silent as the lord stared out the window while you read a book. You haven't spoken a word to him. You snacked on some bread with butter and jelly and some grapes from the plate next to you. You paused for a moment looking at your hand; still having the ring on it. The gold band had a small diamond in the center, it truly was lovely. You took it off your finger and held it out to the Lord. "Since we are done acting, I'll return this to you." He held out his hand as you placed it in his palm. He looked at it for a moment before looking back at you. "(Y/N), I do hope you will reconsider." He placed the ring in his pocket. You glanced out the window to look at the snowy landscape before looking back at him. He stared at you with a frown and slight frustration on his face. You turned back to your book and finished your breakfast. "I wish I had a cup of tea." You thought, looking up for a moment. The Lord glanced your direction quickly noticing your movement. You locked eyes with him. "Tell me (Y/N), how's business?" He questioned.

Tea, My Lady? (Ciel Phantomhive X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ