Chapter LII

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 You dressed yourself quickly into your new gown and put on the jewelry that matches. Realizing that this outing that the Lord had planned seemed to be quite formal, you began styling your hair in a half-up, half-down style, securing it with silver hair pins that twinkled under the light. You brushed some rouge on your cheeks and lips before standing up from your vanity table. Sebastian handed you a pair of cream colored gloves which you put on under your wedding band. The Lord took your arm after you were prepared and led you outside. You stepped into the carriage and were off. "My Lord," you spoke to the young man seated across from you. "Might I ask, where are we going?" He tilted his hat back to get a better look at you. "You will find out once we arrive." You gave him a displeased look, clearly not happy with the response. He chuckled and pull out a rose from under his cloak a rose. He handed it to you. "I have said this before but flattery will not work." You said reaching forward, accepting the flower. He did not respond to your statement but still gave a small smirk.

The carriage stopped in front of the Paris opera house. The door opened and you stepped out to be greeted by the cool evening air. The building was alive with all of it's now electric lights shining through every window. The hustle and bustle of other patrons around you pushed you and the Lord forward to the grand building. It certainly was an architectural marvel, with the detailed stone work and intricate details that certainly set it apart from the building next door. You held onto the Lord's arm, holding onto the flower in your other hand. You entered into the grand hall, a gentleman took the Lord's coat and hat and he re-joined you. The hall itself was even more grand and luxurious than the exterior of the building. Polished marble floors were below your feet and a large chandelier twinkled above. The light danced against each of the crystals. The Lord led you forward and took you towards the stairs that led to the seating in the theater. Sebastian had emerged from the crowd after securing the horses and carriage and followed behind. You lifted your skirts as the Lord helped you climb the stairs. He led you down a hall and pushed back a curtain to reveal a box seat. You looked out and saw that you had been seated in probably the best spot in the house. You took a seat and stared out at the stage. The lord found his place next to you and took your hand. "Y/N, we'll be seeing a production of Faust tonight." You nodded and looked back at the stage. You were definitely excited, as the Lord knew that you were a lover of the arts. Sebastian stepped forward and handed you a cup of tea. You turned and looked at the butler quizzically. He chuckled, "My Lady, the theater had provided refreshments for your enjoyment." You turned around and saw a small table with small cakes, crackers, and the like pushed off into the corner. You took the cup and saucer from Sebastian. The performance began.

The lord held onto your hand the entire time and let go once the performance concluded. He led you down the stairs where other the patrons were socializing before departing. You held tightly onto the lord's hand as he navigated you outside where Sebastian waited for you with the carriage. You stepped inside and the lord stepped in after you. "Did you enjoy the performance (Y/N)?" He asked as the carriage went down the winding streets of the city. You nodded, "Yes, I did. Thank you Ciel." He stood up from the seat across from you and sat down on the bench next to you. He drew the curtains closed on the windows before putting his arm around your waist. He pulled you close so that your head rested against his shoulder. It felt so comforting and warm to have him close. But yet, you felt your guard still up in this manner, especially still out in public. The carriage bumped along the road and stopping into from the townhome. You stepped out and made your way indoors. It was a marvelous evening at the theater and you walked upstairs, ready to prepare to retire for the night. Entering the master bedroom, you took your seat at the vanity table and begun to remove your gloves and jewelry. The lord entered the room as you began to remove the crystal hair pins from on top of your head. You turned your head to find him quickly rushing up to you. "My Lord-" you began, one hand holding your hair in place and the other holding the pin. "Hush," he quickly leaned forward and pulled you up from your stool. Startled, you drop your hands onto his shoulders, you hair falling down in the process. He kissed you passionately and with clear determination. You felt yourself melting at his sudden actions. 

There was no denying the butterflies in your stomach and the sound of your heart pounding. He pulled away but still held you close to him. You didn't speak but just stared into his one visible eye. "(Y/N)," he spoke and glanced over at the rose he presented to you earlier, now sitting laying on the vanity table. "You really are the most delicate yet fierce flower I know. Very much like a rose." Your heart was still beating loudly in your chest. "My Lord, you surprise me sometimes." He looked deeply into your eyes and brought his hand up to gently stroke your cheek. "(Y/N), you are the most beautiful and intelligent woman that I have crossed paths with. I see your clear determination with your business and leisure, which of that I admire." You felt the color draining from your face. Ciel Phantomhive poured out such a complement to you that you have no words to say. You stared at him for what felt like an eternity, still locked in his arms, before speaking. "Thank you" you stated quickly. He reached around to remove his gloves and threw them onto your table before beginning to gently stroke your hair. Every time encountering a pin, removing it and placing it down on the table. He gave you small smiles every now and then while still holding you close with his other hand. You took in a shaky breath as he began to stroke your jaw and neck, which of course caused him to smirk. "Your hair looked lovely this evening in that style." You felt your face get red some and tried to look away but his hand forced you to continue looking at him.

"Your lust and passion do not change how I ultimately feel about this arrangement, Lord Phantomhive." You spoke quickly staring deep into his visible eye, referring to the morning's conversation. He smiled and continued to stroke your face. "I know (Y/N), but yet your reactions and body language seem to speak otherwise." You felt your face harden in a shocked look, "he's got me backed into a corner"you thought to yourself. He lended in close to your ear and whispered, "Checkmate, my love." before leaning in to kiss you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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