Chapter XXX

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It's been a few days since you returned to the manor from your trip with Ciel. You rarely see the young Lord except for dinner. Even then, he didn't make much conversation. You have been trying to occupy your time by preparing to speak with him tomorrow, in between having some fun of course. Recently, you discovered another music room away from the path of the rest of the household where you felt more comfortable to read, work, play music, and the sort. Thoughts of Lord Phantomhive always crossed your mind. Always too tempting to try to knock on his door, but you knew that he wouldn't have the time to see you in the middle of his busy day. Reviewing your notes, you began to prepare how to present the proposal for tomorrow.

"Lord Phantomhive, what a pleasure to be able to speak with you about such affairs." You jokingly stated aloud, bowing to the empty chair in front of you. "I do hope that we are able to find a deal suitable for both parties." You tried to mock Ciel's voice. Giggling, you grabbed one of the papers to continue your skit. "My Lord, I wanted to present to you the opportunity to invest into Belmont Teas and Co. one of the largest and finest tea companies in all of England." You placed the paper down on the table. "It's our hope with your support to help expand the brand and provide the greatest return to yourself and all of our shareholders." You looked down at your scattered assortment of notes and documents. "Ugh, what I am doing? I can't do this, I sound like a child begging for money to buy sweets." You sat down on the couch and re-sorted your things. You stared out the window and noticed that wintery air blowing into the English countryside. "Hopefully it's not going to be a brutal winter." You thought while tightening your shaw around your chest. You stood up and stared outside. The beautiful flowers and trees that once had their gorgeous display for the spring and summer are now gone. You enjoy your afternoon stroll, regardless of the season. So after returning to your chambers, you changed into a warmer walking outfit and paired it with a cloak.

You walked around the garden area, pausing to look at the greenhouse. Nothing was growing in there easily at this time of the year. Or it was that Finny over fertilized the plants again. You chuckled at the thought. You turned your attention to the sky before looking back at the manor. With all it's grand and glory, you sometimes still feel like it's your first visit all those seasons ago. You recalled the first encounter with the Lord and your correspondance back and forth. It felt like those days were so long ago. You frowned thinking about him. "How does one court one another when it seems that we have been avoiding each other?" You felt shivers run up and down your body from the cool air. "I don't want to sound needy but I know that he's a busy man." You walked back indoors, Sebastian holding the door while you entered. "I will prepare some tea My Lady." He stated taking your cloak. "Thank you" You sneezed. Sebastian looked at you and smirked. "My Lady, you best be careful with your afternoon strolls. Sounds as if you are catching a cold." You shook your head. "I am fine Sebastian, thank you for your concern." You went into the dining room to awaiting for the tea. Ciel's birthday was coming soon, you recalled. "Picking a gift suitable enough is going to be a challenge" you thought. "Let alone needing to get a Christmas gift as well." The tea was served and you kept thinking about a gift. You sneezed once more lost in thought. "Hopefully Sebastian is wrong about having a cold." You chuckled while enjoying the rest of your tea.

After returning to your chambers, you went through a catalog searching for ideas for a present for the Lord. "He probably doesn't want clothing, or jewelry, or a painting." You felt disheartened. "Perhaps I can make him something?" You thought aloud while searching through your belongings for supplies. "An embroidered handkerchief? A birthday cake?" You sighed feeling defeated. Another sneeze erupted. Such a challenge picking a gift for someone who has everything. "Perhaps tea?" You pondered the thought. "I can make him a custom blend." Searching through your luggage, you found notes you had from when you and father were crafting a new creation so many years ago. "Perhaps I can take a trip to town to get what I need." You thought. Knowing that Lord Phantomhive likes earl grey, you decided on the base of the tea, black tea with bergamot oil. From there, you focused on adding any additional notes to the flavor. You settled on vanilla bean powder, cornflower, and lapsing souchong tea to help balance it all out. "I'll just have to make the bergamot oil a bit stronger to the earl's liking. It's going to be difficult to find a dried bergamot peel here in England," You thought, reviewing at your list of ingredients. "Unless one of the last standing Belmont Tea's brick and mortar locations have some in supply." Belmont is known for making all blends in house with the finest quality ingredients after all. You went looking for Sebastian to ask for him to take you into town the following day. "Yes, Lady Belmont. I can certainly escort you tomorrow afternoon." He stated bowing.

The evening came and it was time for dinner. You dressed in a deep red gown that was complimented by your simple jewelry. Sitting at your normal spot at the table, you awaited for Lord Phantomhive to join you. Another sneeze. "Oh my, I truly hope that I don't have a cold." The clock struck 8:00pm, 8 dings came and went. You looked down at your place setting and Sebastian offered you a beverage. "The young master informed me that he will be unable to join you this evening for the meal and offers his sincere apologizes." Sebastian stated placing your drink down on the table. You looked at the glass. "Of course, please tell Lord Phantomhive that it's no issue and I look forward to our next meeting." Sebastian bowed and disappeared into the kitchen to deliver you a meal of fish and asparagus. You finished eating and retired to your room for the night rather disappointed in Ciel. You hoped that the next day goes according to plan for your meeting with the Lord.

You awoke to the sound of knocking on your door. "Lady Belmont," a man's voice rang out. You slowly opened your eyes feeling groggy. "My Lady, I am going to enter." The door opened and Sebastian entered your room. You didn't sit up to look at him, it felt like the weight of the world on your body. He walked over to your bedside. "Sebastian," you called out weakly. "What time is it? Am I late to my appointment with Ciel?" He didn't seem to impressed with this question. "Lady Belmont, it's currently 9:45am." Your eyes widen, you were to be meeting with Ciel in 15 minutes. "Sebastian," you coughed. "I need to get ready." "My Lady, as head butler of this house, I would advise against it." "Why?" You questioned. "You are clearly ill, my lady." "I am fine Sebastian." You coughed sitting up reaching for your dressing gown. "Lady Belmont, it's not suitable for you to appear before the young master while you are sick." You stepped out of bed, your head throbbing and your legs feeling like gelatin. "Nonsense, I feel fine. I am going to prepare myself quickly and be on time for this meeting." You walked to your wardrobe, pulled out a brown dress, and spread it out on the bed. "Sebastian, if it's not too much trouble, could you prepare some peppermint tea?" You requested. "Yes, my lady." He bowed while frowning and left. You changed quickly and sat at the vanity table to do your hair and slight makeup. Looking in the mirror, you realized that you did in fact look awful. Your face was all red and puffy and your hair a mess. Dark circles were beyond prevalent under your eyes. "Nothing a little cold water and makeup can't conceal" you thought. You splashed some water on your face before beginning your makeup. Lastly, you placed your hair into a tight bun as Sebastian returned with the tea. You drank a cup before gathering your papers and other items. "My Lady, I must insist that you stay and rest." Sebastian stated as you finished putting your shoes on. "I will return here afterwards, you have my word Sebastian." The butler lead you out of your room and into the hall. You felt your heart racing with each footstep that lead up to Ciel's office. The nervous energy building up in anticipation. 

Arriving at the office door, Sebastian knocked before opening. "Lady (Y/N) Belmont, my Lord." You stepped into the room. The bright daylight coming into the room behind the desk that first met the Earl Phantomhive was blinding. It made your already throbbing headache a bit worst. He rose from his desk and walked over to greet you. "Lady Belmont, pleasure seeing you once more. I have been looking forward to this meeting." He kisses your knuckles. You curtsied back, "As do I, Lord Phantomhive."

Tea, My Lady? (Ciel Phantomhive X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα