Chapter XV (Ciel's POV)

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I was knocked unconscious. But woke up bounded in a chair. Hearing  someone approach me a feminine voice cooed out, "Well, well, well, it looks like I have the queen's guard dog in my domain" The sack was removed off my head. I looked up to see a women with brown hair and brown eyes, dressed very provocatively. She chuckled at me. The room was dimly lit but it seemed that there was a few furnishings set up around me. The walls were made of dirt, clearly signifying that we were still underground. "What is a young man such as yourself doing in these parts? Don't you know that it's not safe." She laughed slightly. Rather unfortunately, I don't look I aged much especially since I turned 18 last year. "Felicity" I recongized this women from a previous case that she held witness too. "Earl of Phantomhive" she said back. She sat down across from me on a couch. "Are you here to stop my operation young lord?" She questioned with a smile. "Or are you here for the pleasures my business can provide?" She stood up and walked to me. Her breasts were right front and center. Without a thought, she smashed my face into them. "I would never want (Y/N) to know of this" I thought with a frown on my face. She smelt of old, cheap perfumes and cigarettes. She finally backed up, what a disgusting women. I looked up frowning at her. She took my face in her hands. "Oh Lord Phantomhive, how I always wanted someone with such a title under the queen to play with me." She said seductively. "You are a disgrace of a human." I spat out at her. She struck me across the face, her long finger nails cutting slightly into my cheek upon impact.

"Where is your butler? Doesn't he always save the day for you Phantomhive?" She screamed in my face. I remained silent, knowing that Sebastian was purposely taking more time than needed. "That damm demon wants to see me squirm a bit." You thought. She got fed up quickly by my silence and she ran across the room to pull out a gun. I recongized it as my own. She held the end of barrel aganist my forehead. "This is the part where you are either killed or speak." She stated firmly. She was shaky holding the gun; she couldn't pull the trigger even given her threats towards me. "Sebastain" I called out. She looked around the room, the gun still directed at me. Within a mere minute, Sebastian appeared. "My young lord," he bowed chuckling at my situation. He looked at Felicity. "Madame, i'm afraid that my young master requests that you untie him." She moved the gun in the direction of Sebastian. "Don't move." She told him. It wasnt to hard to see her attraction towards the butler. Sebastian clearly noticed as well. He lunged at her, some shots were fired. He pinned her aganist the wall with blood pooling from his mid center. She looked at him seductively. "Don't mess around Sebastian" I ordered knowing that the butler could easily make her do his will. "Quiet" Felicity ordered pointing the gun back at me. Sebastian took her hand and threw the gun down. Pinning her arms above her, he proceeded to lick her neck. She moaned slightly. "Sebastian," I called out firmly, not wanting to see this scene unfold in front of me. "I order you to untie me now." He turned to look at me, his crimson eyes glowing. "Yes, my Lord." He let go of Felicity, she dropped to the floor. Sebastian picked up my gun and gave it me after breaking my bounds. "Now," I stood above her with my gun at her head. "You can either walk with me to the authorities or die trying to run away."

She obeyed and we led her to their offices. After questioning, she threatened that others would contiune operations without her heading it. There also was no information regarding the robberies; as she claimed that she was not responsible for them. We returned to the townhouse much later than expected. Sebastian prepared tea as I reviewed the documents again, trying to find clues as to the head of the robberies. "My Lord," Sebastian entered with the pot of tea. "The tea this evening is Belmont's hibiscus tea with a hint of sugar." Belmont. I thought of (Y/N). I hope that the servants were not causing her too much trouble. I sipped the tea, and wondered of her favorite teas; as it struck me that I never asked. After finishing, it was time to depart for bed. Sebastain assisted me with changing and I got under the covers. "Sebastian," I called out as he began to leave the room. He turned around. "Wake me early." He nodded and bowed before leaving. I rolled onto my side, letting sleep drift over me.

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