Chapter XLVIII

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Attention: This chapter has scenes of graphic content that might be triggering for some audiences. Please proceed at your own risk.

He grabbed you by the waist. You began to struggle. You saw that he wasn't working alone. Three other men were standing in the bedroom behind him. One of them grabbed your hands and bounded them together. He gagged you after he finished. "Mon chère," the man holding you spoked. "I would not resist. The boss does not like it when you try to run or scream." One of the other men was going through desk drawers and your belongings. "Hey, look at this!" He was in your jewelry box. He held up the matching set of earrings, necklace, and bracelet that Ciel gave you. The other man sighed, "Just take with you." You tried to protest as you saw him pick up the locket and wedding ring that sat on your vanity table. The leader took noticed of your struggling. "Quiet." He demanded. The other man began to pocket all of your valuable items. You continued to struggle and make as much noise as possible. The leader of the group groaned, "If you won't shut up, then I'll make you." He slapped you across the face. He pulled out a gun as a smirk crawled up his face. "Now get on the bed." He pushed you and you fell onto the bed. "The boss didn't say that we couldn't have our fun." The rest of men looked over at him. He pulled you further onto the bed. The rest of them men gathered around, clear hunger in their eyes. "I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind sharing, princess." He got on top of you and the other three men held you in place. You screamed, muffled by the gag. The untied your dressing gown and pulled it down. Your bare breast now on display. You continued to struggle and scream as loud as you could. The man began to fumble with his trousers. One of the other men put his hand over your eyes, blinding you from the actions about to take place. You heard their laughter quickly stop and a weight fall onto you. The sound of something heavy falling on to the ground come from your left. "No, no please have mercy!" The man who was blinding you spoke. You heard a slashing sound and his hand was removed from your eyes. Your eyes began to readjust to the dark room. A glow came from a candle being held by Sebastian. The Lord stood behind him. The butler approached you, he chuckled, "My Lady, what a situation you got yourself in." The Lord followed behind. The butler quickly covered your chest and ungagged you. "Vermin." The Lord spat out. The butler untied your hands. "My Lady, my sincerest apologizes for not arriving sooner." He picked you up bridal style and helped you to your feet. 

"Oh dear." The butler looked at the scene in front of him. "My apologizes, my Lord, for this mess. Please allow me to clean up before you retire for the night." The Lord frowned at the butler. "Make it quick Sebastian." You felt Ciel's hand wrap around your waist. "Come along (Y/N)." He led you down the hall to a sitting room. You sat on the couch, feeling light headed. "Sebastian made some tea earlier, it should still be warm. It's in the study, wait here." He left you. The door closed and you felt the tears in your eyes. There was blood on your dressing gown. The panic set in. You sat there and felt your body shaking as you began to sob. You tried to stand with no success and collapsed on the floor. You took in shaky breaths as more tears flowed. You tried to pick yourself up back on to the couch. The door opened. Ciel rushed in with the tea pot and cup. He placed it down and rushed to you. "(Y/N)" he grabbed your arms and lift you up onto the couch next to him. He held you in his embrace. No words were spoken between you two.

You don't remember how you got into bed last night but you felt the warm sun on your face that morning. You slowly opened your eyes to see the bedroom around you. You rolled over to see the Lord sitting at a table writing. You sat up, feeling exhausted. The Lord looked over at you. "Good Morning Lady Phantomhive." You opened your mouth to speak but no words escaped your lips. He stood from the seat and walked over to you. He kneeled next to the bed and held your hand. "(Y/N), if you are comfortable still planning that picnic today, just simply tell Sebastian and it will be done." You nodded. He kissed your forehead. "Ciel" you felt your voice cracking. He gripped your hand tighter. You looked into his eye. He waited patiently for you to speak. "Yes." You spoke. He nodded. "I will tell Sebastian." He began to stand. You didn't let go of his hand. He looked down at your hand and back to you. He chuckled. "Ciel." You spoke his name again. He smiled at you, "What a lucky man I am for you to drop the formalities my Lady." He let go of your hand and pulled a chair next to your bedside. He took your hand again. You stared at each other for moment. You began to recall the events of the previous evening and felt your eyes watering again. The Lord pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe your tears away. "Do not worry. They will not be back to hurt you again (Y/N)." You nodded. His thumb caressed the back of your hand. "(Y/N)," he spoke. "I need to know what they told you." He picked up the tea cup from the bedside table and handed it to you. You took the cup from the saucer he was holding and sipped the tea. "A boss." You spoke. He nodded. You sipped more of the tea and looked at the window, wondering what the view was outside. The Lord followed your gaze and chuckled. "(Y/N), why don't you get dressed? We will go to the park then." He stood and went to your wardrobe. He pulled out a white and blue stripped dress and placed it on the bed. He found matching shoes and a straw hat with a blue ribbon and placed next to the dress. He closed the wardrobe and returned to your bedside.

He picked you up and placed you at the vanity table. You stared at yourself, you looked like you haven't slept in 10 nights. The frown across your face made it look even worst. The Lord picked up the hairbrush and brushed your hair. "(Y/N)," he began. "I cannot help you get ready besides this." He push the brush down after he finished brushing your hair. He picked up the locket that was replaced on the table. He put it around your neck and put the wedding band on your finger. You turned to face him. He looked at you. Silence fell over the two of you. "(Y/N)," he began. "I promise that whatever those men were about to do to you will not go without justice." "Ciel." You spoked finally finding your voice. "They are dead." He nodded at your statement. "That is not justice." His light hearted looking expression quickly changed. "They deserved it (Y/N). It was unspeakable what they did." You stood from your seat and took the dress from the bed. You stepped behind the changing screen and began to change. You saw a bruise on your rib cage and your wrists looked red from being bounded. You remained silent as the Lord spoke. "You were humiliated and about to be used for their pleasure, (Y/N). Who knows what would happen if the public heard about this." 

You emerged from the changing screen, now feeling upset. "Is that what you are concerned about? The public image? "Newly wed Phantomhives attacked during honeymoon, bride unfaithful" as the headline?" You turned away and sat at the table and began to style your hair. "You are pathetic, Lord Phantomhive. Claiming to love me only yesterday and today resorting back to that image of the "pretend" perfect couple." You reached for your shoes. He grew upset and grabbed your arm. He pulled you to your feet and into his arms. You looked at him. "Or is it something else?" You questioned, challenging him. He smirked and kissed your lips. "The only man who should lay eyes upon your body is me." He kissed you again. You were stunned by his quick actions. But you found yourself melting away in his embrace. Your hand found it's way to his face. He put his hand on top of yours. He pulled away from the kiss but held your hand against his face. You stared into each other's eyes. He moved his face closer to yours trying to kiss you once again. "Just say it (Y/N), stop holding back." You let out a shaky breath. "I love you Ciel." He pulled you even closer to himself and kissed you passionately.

Tea, My Lady? (Ciel Phantomhive X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя