Chapter XVI

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You ran down the stairs in the new dress that Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard made for you. Smiling you burst into the kitchen, ready to help out with the breakfast preparations. There was a pot of oatmeal on the stove and Bard was in the butler's pantry, getting bowls and spoons together. "Good morning" you called out. He turned and smiled. "Good morning your ladyship" Finny ran in and sat down at the table, anxious for the meal. Mey-Rin following in shortly afterwards. "(Y/N), I could use your help today with beating the rugs and washing the floors." Mey-Rin looked at you. "Uh, only if you want to that is." She blushed and looked down at her lap. You smiled after finishing your bite. "I would love to help out Mey-Rin! I want to help out in any way I can." Finny looked up, "We normally make a mess of things. Sebastian becomes very disappointed in us since he ends up redoing all our tasks." Bard lightly slapped Finny on the side of the head. Chuckling nervously Bard states "Well you see, what Finny means is that sometimes we have a bit of difficulty with our tasks and have to ask Sebastain for some help." Mey-Rin nodded in agreement. I stood up to clean my bowl and spoon. "Well, no worries we can figure it out without his assistance." You stated firmly to the trio.

You helped Mey-Rin that morning with the rugs, which proved to be a bit diffcult for her as she kept breathing in the dust and dirt. "You need to make sure you turn your head away some, don't want it to get in your eyes." You smiled kindly at her. Before returning the rugs to their proper places, the two of you swept and washed the downstair floors. She did end up sliding down the hall on the wet floors and crashing into doors that led to the dining room. "Mey-Rin, are you ok?" You asked helping the maid stand up. She seemed a bit dizzy but looked fine. She told you that she would take care of the upstairs floors, so you ran to find if Finny needed some help. In garden, you found the boy couching near the bushes. "What are we doing?" You asked kneeling down next to him. "The master doesn't like the rats and mice running around the garden, especially if there are any in the manor. So we are hunting them down and moving them away from the property." You nodded and began to help him out. "Finny," you asked. "Why not get a few cats to hunt them down? That's what my family would do to keep the rodents out." Finny looked up at you, "The master is allegric to cats." You nodded. "I didn't know" you thought aloud. Looking near the stem of the bush, you found a small mouse. Quietly, you reached out to grab it but it ran away. You stood up and chased it around the yard. Finny followed you in the chase, the two of you crashing in to each other at some points. Finally, you caught the mouse and put it in a bucket. Finny managed to catch 3 more before deciding to move onto other tasks. He thanked you for the help. You smiled back, "Please, the pleasure is all mine."

Returning to the kitchen, you grabbed an apple and went to the library. You browsed the dark wooden shelves for anything that seemed interesting. You took a bite of the apple. Smiling, you found one of your favorite books as a child, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". You pulled it from the shelf and placed on the desk. Thinking back to the books in your room, you recalled what options Ciel provided for you. Shaking your head, you realized that you read them all. So you browsed for other novels and informational text to read. You pulled books on language and mathematics, as you wished to continue your studies, a copy of "Frankenstein", and few other novels. Carrying your books upstairs, you read in your room. Not even realizing the time going by, you heard a knock at your door. Mey-Rin notified you of dinner. You followed her down to the kitchen, where dinner was set. Bard and Finny sat at the table as the two of you approached. There was potatoes and green beans for dinner. Stories of Sebastian and Ciel was shared over the meal. "Once Sebastian prepared an entire garden and meal for a guest in about an hour! I remember how he removed a stained table cloth so fast and effortlessly that no one even saw the plates and cups move!" Finny shared. "I can see why the Phantomhives are known for their hospitality." You smiled taking in another bite of the green beans. "The master likes to have everything in order" Mey-Rin shared "Oh yes, he does" You nodded as the conversation seemed to turn into the three of them telling stories from years ago. You cleaned up the plates and silverware as the three of them pulled out a board game. You played with them for the rest of the evening, wondering if Ciel was doing ok with his work.

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