Chapter XIV

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You rushed to the curtains and pulled them back to find Funny dangling upside down outside. You opened the window, "Finny is everything alright?" "All in tip top shape miss. I was trying to get the trees to grow faster but Mey-rin and Bard told me that it would be better if I jumped from the roof to reach the top of the trees. So I tied a rope around me and now, I am all caught up in it." He chuckled. You laughed very hard and opened your eyes to see Finny's expression change, "Why didn't you just try to use a ladder?" You asked still smiling. "I dont know miss. " He stated still staring at you with that expression on his face. "Give me a moment and I'll be down to help you. Or up, rather." You closed the window and looked through your selection of outfits that Ciel provided you. They all seemed too formal or extravagant. So you grabbed the curtains from the bathroom and made yourself a skirt, tying knots to secure it. Looking at shoes, they also looked a bit too formal for working outdoors. "Bare foot it is then." You decided. Looking at the options of an overshirt, there was the similar issue of formality. Sighing you realized that you only wore a few selection of the dresses on a weekly basis, as the rest seemed to suit a princess or the queen herself. You grabbed the back half of the train of the skirt and pulled it up to cover your mid section. Again, securing it with knots. You grabbed a ribbon and pulled your hair back. Looking in the mirror, you laughed at your make shift dress. But yet, felt proud of your creation. Running down the halls, your bare feet slapping along the carpeted floors until you found the stairs into the attic. Climbing up, you arrived in the dusty attic. There seemed to be very few things away in storage bur no time to worry of that. You opened the window and called out below to Finny. "I'm going to get some help, don't move!" You departed the attic and ran until you found Bard in the kitchen. "My lady, what can I do for you?" He smiled but then looked at your attire and a frown appear on his face as confusion set in. "I need to know where the ladder is." His expression looked even more confused. "Funny is stuck. I need to get him down."

The three of you stared up at Finny who waved down to you, Bard, and
Mey-Rin. "Oh, I wish Sebastian was here. Yes, I do." Mey-Rin stated. "Don't worry, we will get him down." You told her. Bard stepped up the ladder as you and Mey-Rin watched from below. Bard cut the rope that was around Finny' s waist and carried him down. "Thank you everyone." Finny laughed. "Yeah, don't mention it." Bard said putting Finny down. "Please let me help out with the duties around the manor." You begged to them. The three looked at each other confused but then smiled. "Alright, we could always use an extra helping hand." Bard said. You smiled and started off to helping Mey-Rin polishing the silverware and taking care of the laundry. You then helped Bard with making lunch, but his technique seemed a bit unconventional compared to what you were used too. And finally decided to step in when he pulled a flamethrower out to cook meat. You showed him how to make a simple chicken pot pie for lunch for the four of you to share. Mey-Rin and Finny entered into the kitchen when you were taking the pie out of the oven. The three staff members looked at the pie and then at you and then back at the pie. "My, my it smells wonderful lady (Y/N)" Mey-rin stated with a smile on her face. You cut it into pieces for serving. The four of you sat and ate at the small table in the kitchen. The sunlight poured in through the windows as you all ate. "We should plan a feast while Ciel is gone." You suggested. The servants looked at each other with concerned murmurs goinv around, "You see miss, we did that once and was scolded by Sebastain. The young master was so upset with us since we made a mess of the kitchen." Finny stated. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know..." You trailed off looking down at the chunks of chicken, peas, pie crust, and carrots on your plate. But yet, you still wanted to celebrate your new friendship with the servants in some way.

Following lunch, you helped out in the garden. This was the best part of the day, being outside near the flowers. Finny was tasked with not only mending to the trees, shrubbery, and flowers but also cleaning the greenhouse's windows. You offered to work together on the plants first. As the evening approached, both you and Finny finished with the greenhouse windows. Finny did manage to break a few panes of glass but you were able to help with the repairs. You made tea for the servants and you to enjoy after you washed up. Wearing a pale blue dress, you announced "I will be serving tea in the front sitting room. Please come join me." You smiled warmly. The servants looked uncertain of sitting among the furnishings of their young master. "Please, do not worry. We will clean up afterwards and if there is an issue, I shall explain that it was my idea." You stated kindly. "Well, I would like to but you see, I have to make dinner." Bard stated. "Oh and I have to finish mending the young masters shirt." Mey-Rin stated. You looked at Finny. "What is your excuse?" You inquired. "Oh, well, I dont have one miss." Finny looked down at his shoes. You smiled, "Wonderful. Could you accompany me to an evening tea?" You held our your arm, waiting for him to grab a hold. He looked up and tucked his arm around yours'. The two of you made your way to the sitting room, where you had the tea prepared. Deciding on celebrating a hard day of work, you made another one of father's 'speical secret' blends. Finny sat across from you in a chair while you sat on the couch. The evening went by wonderfully with a nice conversation with Finny over tea, a dinner prepared by Bard, and a few card games you played with them into the late hours of the evening.

"I am afraid that I going to retire for the night so that we can get a head start in the morning with the work!" You announced after a final round of the card game. "Oh miss (Y/N)," Mey-Rin called out. "We appreciate all the help you gave us today." Finny said. "And we would love to have you working with us again in the future. Of course, if you would like too." Bard stated. "So we made you this dress out of an old fabric that you could wear instead of the young master's nice curtians" Mey-Rin stated. She pulled the dress out from under the pile of towels. You smiled upon seeing the simple cotton dress. "Thank you very much." You bowed your head. "I will definitely make use of this tomorrow!" You embraced Mey-Rin, following with Finny and Bard. "Oh lady (Y/N), you really are a wonderful women!" Mey-Rin started "I could even compare you to the work of Sebastian." You blushed at the compliment. "I could never live up the successes of Sebastian. But I do appreciate the compliment." You smiled sweetly. "I bid you good night everyone." You waved as you walked upstairs to your bedroom. You found the curtains you made the dress out of cleaned and hanging above the window. You collasped in bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Tea, My Lady? (Ciel Phantomhive X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora