Chapter XLIX

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You held onto his arm as you strolled through the park, holding a parasol open in your other hand. Sebastian followed behind. It was a warm day and the park had plenty of others enjoying the outdoors as well. Children chased the ducks and geese around while other couples strolled about together. You looked over at the Lord; he had a stern expression across his face. You remained quiet and looked away from him. You looked at the blue sky, full of clouds that were moving along slowly. "Weird to think that the day after events such as what happened last night is so peaceful." You thought to yourself. "Um excuse me?" You looked back down to see a little girl standing in front of you. You stopped walking and smiled at the girl, "Hello, how can I help you?" You kneeled down to her level. "Um," she looked away. "Well," the girl smiled shyly and looked at her feet. "Are you a princess? Because you are very pretty like one." You laughed at the little girl's compliment. "That's very sweet of you. But no, I am not." The girl looked up at the Lord. "So he is not your prince?" You chuckled again. "Well yes, he is my husband." "Well, you have be a princess then. Only a princess would deny not being one." You smiled and handed Sebastian your folded parasol. You took the little girl's hands in your's. "What is your name, sweetheart?" "Mary" she responded looking into your eyes. "Well Mary, I might not be a princess but you certainty look like one, your highness." She blushed and laughed. "I am not a princess." "Well, only a princess would deny not being a princess." She giggled some more. You let go of her hands and stood back up. Sebastian handed back your parasol to you. You opened it and locked arms with the Lord again. "It was a pleasure to meet you Mary. You best run along back to your mother." She smiled and ran off.

You looked over at the Lord whose stern express was a bit softer. "My Lord, shall we continue?" He nodded and the two of you circled the pond while Sebastian set up the picnic under a tree. You two walked back towards the picnic blanket. The lord helped you sit down and he took the place across from you. You shared some cheese and crackers together. He lounged down, propped up on one elbow. "(Y/N)," he looked over at you while playing with some grapes in his hands. "That girl was right, you are princess." You chuckled, "You are too much, my Lord." He gave a quick half smile at you. You snacked on some apple slices and looked out at the park. "My Lady," you looked over at Sebastian. "There appears to be another visitor for you." You looked behind the butler, it was Mary and she had a friend with her. You stood up. "Thank you Sebastian." You walked over to the girl and kneeled down. "Hello again my friend." Mary smiled up at you. "I had to bring my friend Emma to show her the princess of the park." You laughed. "What a noble title! It's a pleasure to meet you Emma." The other girl blushed. "See? I told you she looks like a princess." Mary whispered to her friend. "Mary! Mary!" You heard an adult voice calling. "It sounds as if your mother is looking for you, my dear friend." Mary gave you a small pout. "I don't want to go home though!" You chuckled. She pointed at the locket around your neck. "What's that?" You held up the locket and opened it. "It's a photo of my father and mother, king and queen of the park." Both girls looked at you in amazement. "Mary! Emma!" You heard the voice call out. A women appeared from behind some trees, out of breath. She saw your kneeling next to the girls. She curtsied, "Please, my Lady, I beg for forgiveness! They are only children and don't know any better!" You looked at the women quizzically. "Mother! This is the princess I was telling you about! She is very kind!" The women got down on her knees trying to stir the girls away from you. You stood up. "One moment!" You called to the three of them. You rushed back to the picnic and picked up the other half of the bread. You torn it in half and gave each half to the girls. "Now make sure you share with your mother, understood?" Both girls nodded. "Goodbye!" The girls called to you and ate the bread. You waved and turned back to the Lord, who looked slightly unamused. 

You returned back to your spot next to the Lord. "Is there a problem my Lord?" You questioned sipping at your tea. "You shouldn't be giving our meals to others... especially when it's suppose to be a more intimate moment." He stated plainly. "I see no harm in sharing my Lord." You looked at his face, still with an unwavering discontent expression.  He stared intensely at you. You sighed, "My apologizes my Lord, it will not happen again." You looked away after his expression soften. He sighed slightly. A breeze rustled the leafs in the tree above and your skirt moved about slightly. You tucked it under your leg and continued to enjoy the small snacks for the picnic. "(Y/N)," the lord began. "About last night, I need you to share as much information as possible about your encounter with those men." You finished enjoying some grapes and shared from the beginning about how you thought it was Sebastian knocking on the door to the end when he and Sebastian arrived. "They didn't mention this "boss" by name, did they?" He questioned. "No." A gust of wind blew your hat off your head. Sebastian stepped forward to retrieve it, you quickly jumped to your feet and put a hand up to stop him. You rushed out into the small grassy area. "(Y/N)!" You heard Ciel calling out to you. "(Y/N)!" You heard him getting frustrated behind you as you ran after the hat that was rolling around. You ran downhill and bent over to reach for the hat but fell face first and rolled down the hill. "(Y/N)!" Your heard the Lord call out to you. You landed at the bottom of the hill and caught the hat. You laid on your back staring at the sky. You heard slight running footsteps approach you. Sebastian approached you and sat you up. The Lord followed behind with a rather frustrated look across his face. "Let Sebastian collect it next time (Y/N). You look beyond unpresentable now." He stood above you. Sebastian helped you to your feet and you began to laugh. You continued to laugh as you brushed dirt and grass off of your skirt. You placed the hat back on you head and looked over at the Lord who now had a shock look on his face. "Let's go home." You beamed at the Lord.

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