That isn't candy

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Silver Heart: (Eating candy) Mmm, these candies tastes good

Queen: Uh Grandpa, where did you get that bag of candy from?

Silver Heart: From the living room, why do you ask?

Queen: (Nervously sweats) That's not candy you're eating

Silver Heart: Then what is it?


Spade: Those are mothballs you're eating

Silver Heart: (Spits them out) What?! How-why?!

Joker: Simple, those mothballs were filled with caramel then dipped in honey

Spade: Those were to be extra effective to lure those bugs out from their hiding spots

Queen: Grandpa, how could you be so gullible into thinking those were real candies?

Silver Heart: (Washing his mouth) Enough talking! I'm trying to wash the horrible taste in my mouth!

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