The shy girl and the dreamy detective

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Berry: I do a better job than you!

Kitty: Gimme a break! We all know I'm better than you!

Berry: Oh yeah?! Prove it!

Rose: How long had they been like this?

Sara: About an hour now

Queen: All I wanted was a strawberry cake

Rose: And an apple pie

Twilight: I'm so sorry, girls. Um...

Hyeon Ju: You can't let them off the hook forever

Miki: Punish them

Twilight: But I can't do that to my friends

Jack: And I ain't waiting any longer

King: Be polite

Jack: Whatever

Oh yes, there were a lot of argument in Sweet Bakery. You may be wondering when this would end. Well, it ended when a tall guy in his early 20s entered the bakery. He had ash brown hair . He wore a chocolate trench coat over an iron gray turtle neck top, a pair black jeans, obsidian shoes, a russet deerstalker hat, and pair of raven sunglasses. He removed his sunglasses, revealing a pair of emerald eyes. Both Berry and Kitty immediately stop arguing at the sight of those eyes.

Berry: Hello there!

Kitty: What can we get for you?

King: What just happened?

Queen: They stop arguing

Detective Julian: Why, hello there. I came by to buy a blueberry muffin. Do you have any?

Berry: We have a tray full of them!

Kitty: (Packs two muffins in a paper bag) Here, on us.

Detective Julian: For real? No, I must pay for them. I'm Detective Julian (reaches out his hand)

Kitty: (Shakes the hand) I'm Kitty and you can have those muffins

Berry: Yup (whispers) You're so hot

Detective Julian: Come again? I couldn't hear what you had just said

Berry: I said, we love helping those with the police!

Detective Julian: Really? That's great! I'm trying arrest Kaitou Twilight Dawn. Have you by any chance seen her?

Sara: (Nervously sweats) Um, no. We haven't seen her. Why are you looking for her?

Gabriel: Yeah, why are you looking for this phantom thief? Why not look for Joker or Spade?

Jack: (Whispers) Oi!

King: (Whispers) Don't drag us into this

Detective Julian: You see, Kaitou Twilight Dawn plans to steal the Starry Tiara and I simply can't let that happen

Queen: Oh. No, we hadn't seen her

Sara: We would inform you if we ever did

Detective Julian: Thank you for your cooperation (hands card) Here's my number, call me if you ever need help

Sara: T-thank you

Detective Julian: Thanks for the muffins again (leaves)

Sara: That was close! He's after me! What should I do?

Jack: Bail out and let me have the treasure

Sara: Not an option

Berry: Could I have his card?

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