Exam answers

147 11 46

Phoenix: I failed my exam

Joker: What? Why? I thought I had already taught you everything you needed for the exam. What went wrong?

Phoenix: Well, this is what I answered in my answer sheet (hands paper)

Joker: (Takes paper then reads it) Oh my god!

Write the meaning of each word below:

Antibody - against everyone

Artery - the study of paintings

Bacteria - back door to the cafeteria

Caesarean section - a district in Rome

Cardiology - advance study of poker playing

Cat scan - searching for lost kitty

Chronic - neck of a crow

Coma - punctuation mark

Cortisone - area around local court

Cyst - short for sister

Diagnosis - person with slanted nose

Dislocation - in this place

Duodenum - couple in blue jeans

Enema - not a friend

Fake labour - pretending to work

Genes - blue denim

Hernia - she is close by

Impotent - distinguished/ well-known

Labour pain - hurt at work

Lactose - people without toes

Lymph - walk unsteadily

Microbes - small dressing gown

Obesity - city of Obe

Pacemaker - winner of Nobel Peace prize

Phoenix: I did my best! I think the examiner who marked my paper was blind

Joker: (Throws test paper out of a window and into a trash can) Phoenix, you idiot!

LOL, I got those from my book of jokes😂 Kudos to the author of that book. Stay shining💖💜🌌

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