Incorrect quotes #4

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Twilight: Hey Joker?

Joker: Yeah?

Twilight: Could you help me with my math homework?

Joker: Sure! (Takes the the exercise sheets) Hmm, this is a piece of cake!

Twilight: Really? So, how do I do the working?

Joker: Simple (takes a bazooka and shoots the homework) There, that's how you solve math problems.

Twilight: By shooting it with a bazooka?

Joker: Yup!

Joker: Could anyone tell me what math is short for?

Spade: That's easy! Math is short fo-

Phoenix: Mental Abuse To Humans!

Spade: I was gonna say, mathematics.

Joker: Congratulations, Phoenix! You get an A plus!

Phoenix: Yay!

Spade: Seriously?!!!

DJ Peacock: Your majesty, who's your hero?

Princess Paprika: That would be Joker! He's so cool and kind.

Joker: (Breaks into the palace) Hey Kebab Princess! Could you give me free kebabs and pomegranate juice?

Princess Paprika: (Nervously sweats) S-sure, no problem at all.

DJ Peacock: Some hero he turned out to be.

Joker: (Wipes eyes) Why?

Hyakkimaru: What happened to you?

Joker: I'm sad to say this but, Spade is badly ill. He may not make it.

Queen: What?! He may not make it?! Is he infected by Covid-19?!

Joker: Much worse than that.

Dark Eye: Umm, Spade-sama is only having a fever. He won't die because of that.

Joker: Oh, I thought he was badly ill because of me.

Spade: That is correct! Each time I see that baka, my temperature will immediately shoot up!

Dark Eye: Please don't yell, you'll make your fever worst.

Hachi: Joker-san, I'm heading to the grocery store, be back in an hour.

Joker: Okay.

Hachi: And please don't wrecked the place.

Joker: Oh please, what am I to you? A kid?

One hour later...

Hachi: I'm bac- What happened in here?!!!

The place was badly wrecked with papers scattered on the ground, a flooded toilet, spray paint on the walls, a broken TV and other horrible things that won't be mentioned.

Hachi: Joker-san!!!!

Joker: It wasn't my fault, it was Pseudo Cat's

Hosshi: (Innocently) Hosshi?


Joker: But I'm not.

Hachi: AHHHH!!!

Roko: What happened, Hachi-kun?

Hachi: Some human being has stolen all the food that I had laid on the table!

Queen: I took the strawberry cake.

Gabriel,Twilight&Beryl: We took all the chocolates. Every single one of them.

Rose: Me and Onii-chan took the apple pies.

Shadow: And I took the black coffee.

Suisei: I took the cream coffee.

Hyakkimaru: I'm very sorry for taking all the chikuwas.

Kitty: I couldn't resist the cupcakes.

Berry: And the berries were fresh!

Joker: It's not my fault I took the pot of curry.

Hachi: And who took the jar of chilli peppers?

Phoenix: The Messenger of the Southern Cross is to be blamed.

Hachi: But you are the Messenger of the Southern Cross!

Phoenix: Bingo!

Professor Clover: I shall rule time on Earth! Hahaha!

B.M: Boring! Weren't you dead?

Professor: I am now the undead!

B.M: (Takes out sketch pad and pencil) Okay.

Professor Clover: (Nervously sweats) What are you doing?

B.M: I'm drawing your funeral. On your headstone, I wrote 'worse human being in all of Earth'

Professor Clover: Ouch! I'm touched.

B.M: Whatever!

Captain Blue: I'm the fearless man of the sea!

Lupin: Yeah right.

Simon: I find that very hard to believe. You can't even look at a bag of blood without passing out.

Captain Blue: H-hey! Stop teasing me! I'm not a wimpy pirate!

Simon: Boo!


Lupin: That's one fearful pirate!

Simon: Hahaha! OMG!!! I can't stop laughing!

Lupin: LOL.

Kira: Let's sing a song about money! Hahaha!

Rei: No, we should sing a song about idols.

Ai: Why not phantom thieves?

And so the sisters began to argue among each other....

Kira: Money!

Rei: Idols!

Ai: Phantom thieves!

Joker: Ladies, there's no reason to fight, I have the perfect solution.

Rei: What's that?

Joker: You girls can sing a song about me.

Kira: Why?

Joker: Because, I have money, I'm an idol and a phantom thief too! Three in one!

Ai: (Gasps) He's right, three in one!

Queen: What if I woke up the next day as a chicken nugget?

Roko: Queen, I think you had too much strawberry ice cream for the night.

Queen: No! I want some more strawberry ice cream!

Roko: But it's three in the morning, go to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed it 😄

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