Why are you in the hospital?

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Doctor: (Checks his list) My, my, so many patients today! What happened to you all?

Joker: I slipped on a roof top and broke my leg  because somebody put ice on it (glares at Spade).

Spade: Somebody threw his shoe in my face and now my nose is broken! (Glares at Joker).

Queen: I accidentally gave myself several cuts on my arms and legs while training with my diamond sword.

Rose: A random stranger came up to me and slapped me hard on the cheek (cries).

Shadow: And when I tried to hit that stranger with my Bloody Rain for slapping Rose, I accidentally aimed it at a mirror.

Doctor: So you got hit by your own laser instead?


Phoenix: I'm having rashes all over my skin because some random royal guard dumped a barrel of water on me!

Silver Heart: I broke my back way too many time- Ouch! My back!

Simon: My skin burns because I spend too long under the sun.

Hyakkimaru: (Holds his head) Elder mistook me for a burglar and threw a shuriken at my head.

Twilight: I fell down from Mount Fuji and hurt several parts of my body.

Gabriel: I sled down from the same mountain and trust me, what happened next wasn't pretty at all! I broke both of my legs!

B.M: I fell into a freaking ditch!

Ai: I twisted my ankle.

Captain Blue: I jumped down into the sea because I thought my ship was haunted and nearly got my arm ripped off by a shark!

Hachi: I was pushed into a manhole!

Suisie: Some idiot showed me a gem and now, I can't stop pukin- (pukes).

Rei: A spotlight fell on my head while I was performing on stage!

Kira: A fan of mine threw a sack of money at me. And I love it even though it hurt me at the same time!

Agent Silver: I was shot in the arm by a kidnapper who tried to kidnap a little girl!

Princess Paprika: I fell down from a super long flight of stairs in the palace.

Lupin: I spend the last 72 hours on my phone without eating or sleeping.

Hayami: I over studied for an upcoming test because I couldn't afford to fail and now my eyes hurt.

Viridian: Nightmare poured paint into my drink and now I'm suffering from food poisoning!

Nightmare: (From the window) I have no regrets whatsoever!

Beryl: I'm here because Inspector Onibaka here is to be blamed!

Inspector Oniyama: I said I was sorry.

Beryl: I don't care! You knocked me off of a skyscraper thanks to your stupid handcuffs!

Inspector Oniyama: You should be happy that you survived, kid!

Doctor: Oh my god! The inspector did that to you?!

Beryl: (Nods while making sad eyes) Mmhm.

Doctor: I'm calling the FBI!

Inspector Oniyama: But I'm with the police.

Doctor: I don't care! (Takes phone) Hello? Is this the FBI?

Inspector Oniyama dashed out of the hospital without wasting anymore precious time.

President D: I ate too much steaks and now I have a digestion  disorder.

Doctor: You all have serious problems! Luckily, I know just what to d-

Shino: (Storms in the room) I've finally found you!

Kurumi: Sis, take it easy.

Hachi: Shino, Kurumi, what are you doing here?

Kurumi: That doctor is the person who pushed you down that manhole earlier!

Hachi: He what?!

Shino: I saw what happened and got angry!  How dare you hurt my little brother!

Doctor: (Nervously sweats) I...um ..it was an accident?

Phoenix: Hey! That's my line!

Shino: Come here! (Chases the doctor).

The doctor left the room through an open window. Shino and Kurumi both went after him while screaming at him to stop running.

Hachi: I love my sisters!

Joker: Now that the doctor is gone, who's gonna help us?

Professor Clover: (Phases through the wall) Hey! Maybe I could be your doctor.


Everyone else: Run while you still can!

Everyone ran out of the room in fear through the window, leaving Professor Clover all alone.

Professor Clover: Tch, all I wanted to do was to help.

Meanwhile outside the hospital..

Sirius: What's taking them so long?!

Roko: It has been three hours since they entered the hospital and not one of them has came out yet!

Hosshi: Do you think something bad happened to them?

Berry: Nah, I'm sure they're perfectly fine.

Gin: Too bad animals aren't allowed to enter the hospital.

Slither: I thought Kitty has the power to shape shift. Why can't she just shape shift into a human and see what's going on?

Kitty: I'm lazy, that's why. Plus, if anything bad happens, I'm sure they'll find a way to solve it.

Sirius: Good point.

What's wrong with me?😂 The doctor must had been surprised hearing everyone's reasons for being in the hospital! Shout outs to kushingomel, RyokoWriter, Ai_Lover17, AkariAndEclipse, Cream_DeLight, KitsuneShinobou, Soleil_shining, HyperCartoonFan20, CartoonLoverGirl01, Deku2410 and KawaiiChan645! Stay shining everyone!💖💜🌌

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora