BamBam and Lisa walked out of the airport and headed towards the car parking lot where they navigated through until they finally came across a black car which BamBam beeped open with his remote. Lisa's eyes widened as he popped open the boot and place her bags in it. BamBam noticed this and chuckled before taking Lisa's backpack from her.

"I saved up for it after I transferred. Got a few modelling deals and I managed to save up for it, along with the money that mom kept sending over. I told her not to worry but she was so stubborn."

"Well, your mom always worries about you even though you are all grown up. A mom will always be a mom."

BamBam smiled fondly before nodding. "Yeah, I guess they are."

Lisa got in on the passenger side and was taken away from the interior design. It has black leather seats with an astounding music system upfront. With BamBam and Lisa always loving and bonding over music in Thailand, BamBam always had music attached to him on some way. So of course with buying a car, he made sure that he would have an awesome sound system with it so that he can pound it with music that it makes the walls of the car shake from the intensity. Confidently driving out of the parking lot with his arm behind Lisa's seat as he reversed, her shifted gears before leaving the airport, music immediately playing off his sound system and playing the top 100 songs.

"Wow Bam, you really have changed a lot. No longer a Bangkok boy."

"I will always be a Bangkok boy. It's my roots after all." He answered back, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. Lisa grinned before patting him on the arm as he drove.

"Yep and we love you for it. You are the Thailand prince after all. I'm sure you showed everyone here just how amazing we Thais can be." BamBam groaned and Lisa's words.

"Do you seriously have to call me that? We are way past High School now."

"Ah ah ah, not that far. We only graduated a few years ago and besides, quite a few of your old fangirls still visit my and your home to see if you are back yet."

"I don't have any fan girls."

"That is a lie and you know it. If those girls who followed you around in high school weren't fan girls, then what were they?"

"Deluded women who needed a hobby."


BamBam chose not to say anything and Lisa just grinned as she knew that she won the debate. After that, the two of them simply caught up with one another. They chatted about what had happened since after BamBam left to transfer to the same University which Lisa was going to now and how BamBam has adjusted and enjoyed Korea and how life is at University.

Lisa also took a chance to take in the sights as they drove through the city of Seoul, BamBam pointing out a few of the sights and also explaining the history behind some of them as well as pointing out the popular places to go to with students as well as other citizens in the city. She wishes that she had her camera with her but it was in her backpack which BamBam had put in the boot, so she guesses that she will have to take pictures another time when she does the full tourist experience later on.

BamBam had left Thailand just after he turned twenty as he was recommended by his teacher to Belvoire University, one of the most exclusive universities in Korea. BamBam was majoring in dance and wanted to do something in the entertainment industry as he knows that it will be the best way to make money so that he can send it back home to his mom who stayed in Thailand with his three younger siblings. He had the talent and looks for it and seeing that he did part time modelling to pay the bills for his housing and to save up for a nice car, Lisa would say he is on the right path of being successful.

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