12 • Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Taehyung POV

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as I towel dry my hair.

"No, Tae. It's fine. I'm fine." Omi shakes her head, pulling my clothing from my suitcase. She sniffs and scratches her cheek.


She shakes her head no.




Omi huffs and pauses her movements. "Mom is disappointed we're not having another baby soon."

I wrap my arms around her and leave gentle kisses against the side of her head. "It's okay. We'll give her another grandchild when we are both ready. She can wait and if not, she can always put a bit more pressure on Hoseok and Lanni."

"They are going to try for another as soon as Hoba graduates. Lanni just told us they've already decided."


Omi pulls back from me to meet my eyes. "Are you upset?"

I try to hide my heartache as I speak. "No, not at all. We are still going to have a baby.. just later."

"Mom is worried later may be too late like when she had me."

"So.. are we changing the game plan?"

Omi hangs her head. "I still would like to wait. I'm sorry."

I pull her close to me as she starts to sniffle. "Don't apologize, love. Remember I told you, all I need is you and Lily to be a happy man."


Dinner is yet again tense, even more so tonight as Hoseok still looks like murder is on his mind and Mom hasn't smiled or laughed once.

I keep my hand on Omi's thigh under the table in an attempt to give support of her decision. Her big brown eyes continue to blink quickly no doubt holding in tears.

We decide to watch a movie outdoors once things are straightened, picking cleaning chores after we eat. Dad cleans the grill, Lanni keeps an eye on the kids, Hoseok and Omi clean the fish cooler and sweep the floor, and Mom washes the dinner dishes while I dry and put them away.

Mom still hasn't smiled and barely speaks. I try to make small talk but she barely gives a full sentence as a reply. I can't let it go on this way.

"Are you upset Omi and I are waiting to have another child?"

"No, Taehyungie. It's fine. You want to spend time together. I get it." She sighs quietly.

I chuckle. "You are so much like Omi. Please tell me the truth."

Mom raises her head to look at me. Her smile is half-hearted. "It's fine, honey."




"Oh, my goodness child!" She says exasperated as she dries her hands and drops the dish towel onto the counter.

"Please talk to me."

Mom considers me solemnly for a moment before speaking. She discreetly whispers, "I understand Omi wanting to wait and being tired taking care of Lily all day, but.." she hesitates.

Singularity: Serendipity Book 2 // kth [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora