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Jimin POV

The breathtaking city view of every morning's sunrise from the comfort of my own apartment will never cease to amaze me. Only just beginning to smile over the horizon, the sun softly illuminates the dark edges of the sky.

Gentle shuffling of my bedsheets proceeds Amelia's faint morning voice. "Is that the sun?"


She moves more this time drawing my attention to the opposite side of my bed. She's shifted herself to sitting, plucking her clothing from the floor at her feet.

"I overslept. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. If I wanted you to leave, I would have woken you hours ago."

Only halfway wearing her tank top, Amelia pauses with her arms still in the air. She peers curiously over her left shoulder at me.

"So you don't want me to leave?"

I chuckle and pat the thickness of her still warm spot on my bed. "I'm saying I'm okay with you not rushing to leave if that's what you want. I've grown fond of our pillow talks. They have been very insightful."

She twists her body to the side to fully look into my face. "Feeling soft this morning, Jimin?"

The corner of my mouth raises. I lift the blanket only long enough for her to visually affirm my statement.

"I'm never soft in the morning."

She giggles as she removes her top and slips back into bed at my side. "You sure you're okay with this? With me staying past the time we agreed on?"

"I wouldn't have said so if I wasn't. I just hope sleeping over doesn't piss off your boyfriend too much."

Amelia runs her fingers through her hair, adjusting herself onto her side with her head propped up on her hand. "I broke up with him two weeks after we started fucking."

I try to hide my concern.

"And I saw that change of expression. No, I wasn't hoping for more than sex from you and I'm still not. He was ass in bed and an asshole any other time so I called it quits. It seemed hypocritical to advise you on the relationship aspect of your life when I wasn't happy with the same part of mine."

I nod approvingly.

"You didn't tell me about your date last night, by the way. I assume since you invited me over it was yet another flop."

Looking over Amelia's face, I debate on how much truth to indulge her. "I didn't have a date last night."

Amelia knits her brows. "So you just wanted to get laid?"

"I actually just wanted your company. I feel like even though we began as a one night stand, we have grown into friends with benefits. Would I be correct in that assumption?"

Her eyes roll around searching her mind for assurance. "You would be, I believe."

"I haven't had that combination before. I am trying new things as you suggested and so far I like it. I've never had a woman match my sex drive the way you do who also gave such good advice."

"Lovely to hear you're moving out of your comfort zone. Congrats to you, Jimin!" She pats my thigh. "Just so we are crystal clear, I'm not interested in going any further than that with you. No offense."

Her confession stings in a way I feel it shouldn't. "I agree, but may I ask why?"

"You are the sexiest, smartest, and wealthiest man I have ever met. You are incomparable between the sheets, but you have never been in a trusting, loving relationship before. I am not interested in being the guinea pig."

"I told you haven't tried dating since I was twenty!"

"Dating and being in a relationship are two different things. Have you ever been in a relationship before at all?"

Looking towrds the window, I respond "I had a girlfriend when I started college."

"Mhm." She sounds quite judgy. "And how long did that last?"

I really don't want to talk about it. "I'm hungry. Would you like breakfast?"

"Wow. That sounded like three months, tops."

Amelia is so clever. "It was three months. We met over the summer and in the end mutually decided we should 'explore all the world has to offer'."

"And that sounds like you were shit in bed." She laughs.

I look back to her and scoff. "I wasn't shit in bed! I was just.. inexperien-"

"Inexperienced is still shit in bed, Jimin."

We stare at each other waiting for the other to break. We both burst out laughing instead. "Yeah, I guess I was shit in bed. She was only the second woman I'd slept with so I was still new and she was very much not."

"So you started.." Amelia clears her throat and wiggles her eyebrows ".. practicing more often?"

I laugh a little more. "Yeah. I guess I did."

"Have you always been so adamant about wearing condoms? I know most men would rather do without."

"The only time I ever went without was the first girl I slept with and the only time I will again is if I ever find 'the one' and we want to start a family."

"When you find the one. I strongly believe you will. You deserve it."

Amelia raises to all fours and crosses her body over mine sideways reaching into my nightstand sex drawer. As she digs around, I enjoy the softness of her thigh in my palm as it eases its way to her magnificent ass.

Finally finding what she has been searching for, Amelia retrieves a condom and uses her teeth and one hand to open the foil. It takes her two tries because I press my middle finger deep into her pussy making her gasp out loud. Her eyes also roll into the back of her head.

"Do you always wake up this hot and wet, Amelia?"

"Most mornings I do. I enjoy sex a lot so it's pretty much always in my dreams."

Placing the condom in her mouth, she expertly uses her lips to roll it down my length relaxing her throat to ensure I am totally covered. That is quickly becoming my favorite party trick.

As she sucks away at me, I pump three fingers in and out of her. She continues to moan and suck me with more intent until my lids flutter closed and I match her sounds.

"Do you always wake up looking this cute, Jimin?"

I open my eyes to find Amelia staring fondly up to me. "You think I look cute first thing in the morning?"

"Your duality is unmatched no matter what filter you choose to wear, Mr. Park."

Amelia shifts herself to straddle my hips. She whimpers and nibbles her bottom lip when my erection stretches her open.

She lays her hands on my chest for balance as she rises and sits on me a few times until I am fully cradled in her heat. "Fuck, you feel so good."

I can't help my giggle. "You think I'm cute."

Amelia smiles. "Maybe cutie, sexy, lovely is more appropriate."


a/n: update #1 of 2 coming today! I literally wrote this in just a few hours yesterday after deciding what better way for Jimin to celebrate his birthday than to be getting it in!

❤💜 happy birthday to our cutie, sexy, lovely Park Jimin! ❤💜

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