16 • Reflection

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Kyomi POV

"Afternoon, Kyomi. How are you doing today?" Dr. Daisy asks, a soft smile across her face.

"I'm good. How are you? Busy day?"

"Just a little behind. My apologies for your wait. So.." she flips open my chart skimming over it quickly, "We're replacing your IUD today, correct? Gosh! Has it been three years already?"

"Yes. Time really flies especially when you have a baby." I enjoy visits with Dr. Daisy. She's always so friendly.

"How is Miss Lily doing?" She asks preparing her and myself for my exam. "Scoot down as far as you can for me please."

I still get a bit flustered having anyone in that area except Tae and that's because his face is in it nearly every day. I scoot down as far as I can go and surprise myself at how flexible I am. Tae would be proud.

"She's good. Growing like a weed and super smart." I flinch as I feel uncomfortable touches.

"Are you ready for another one yet?" Dr. Daisy chuckles. "Here comes my duck. Just relax."

I try to breathe and focus on the room and our conversation. "Tae and I talked about having another and we agreed once Lily starts school we would try. That gives us another year. I swear, she's so busy I can barely keep up. I don't want to imagine having her and a baby. Goodness!"

"Mmhm. Tell me, how often do you check the strings on your IUD?"

I roll my eyes up trying to remember. "I haven't in a while to be honest. The last time I did, I cramped for a while and had a bit of spotting. Why? Is something wrong? Please don't tell me it tilted and is stuck or something."

Dr. Daisy clears her throat, removing 'the duck' from me. "No, Kyomi, it didn't tilt and it isn't stuck. It's actually missing."

I raise my head up looking at her incredulously. "What do you mean 'missing'?"

"I mean it is no longer present. And your cervix is high, soft, and closed."

I lean up, fear running through my veins. "But if my cervix is closed.."

Dr. Daisy stands and pats my knee. "You can sit up. I'm suggesting we give you a blood pregnancy test though I feel I already know the outcome. My guess is the last time you felt for your strings you may have dislodged it and it fell out. That would explain the cramping and spotting. Can you guess about how long ago that was?"

My mind travels a million miles an hour trying to grasp what is being said to me and remember when I last checked that my IUD was in place.

"May-maybe almost two or three months ago. Oh my god." I cover my mouth with both hands. Tears prick the back of my eyelids.

"I'll send a nurse in to get some blood, then we'll talk again afterwards."


I watch Tae and Lily play in the living room floor that evening but my mind has checked out. I keep flitting my eyes to and from the calendar on my phone as I try to remember how long it's been since I knew my IUD was in place. Dr. Daisy and I talked after she took blood and gave me a little white stick to pee on.

I am pregnant again.

She scheduled an ultrasound in three days which would give time for the bloodwork to come back so she could get a better idea of how far along I am. I feel like such an idiot for not checking to make sure my IUD was in place sooner.

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