14 - ᴀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ

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Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Bang (pic above)

The reaction that both men witness could send anyone into their graves. Even with experienced medical personnel as Dr. Jung was he was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he just saw.

Moments later, Dr. Thompson came storming into the room and over to Mia's machine. He checked her vitals and he turned his eyes down and saw how Mia was holding onto Yongguk's hand.

"You're not squeezing her hand are you?" Dr. Thompson asking curiously.

Yongguk rapidly shook his head. "Honestly I'm not doing anything. You can ask Dr. Jung."

Immediately right after Youngguk spoke, Dr. Thompson turned his attention to Dr. Jung. He appeared just as shocked by Youngguk. Dr. Thompson snapped two fingers bringing the other doctor out of it and looking at him.

"Is this true?" Dr. Thompson asked.

"I saw it but I'm still not sure," Dr. Jung answered.

Dr. Thompson rubbed the back of his head. "Have you heard anything back from the specialist?"

Dr. Jung nodded his head. "From his assistant, she supposed to get back with me by the end of the day."

"Well, let's hope it's good news," Dr. Thompson hoped staring down at Mia.


As everyone was dealing with Mia, a large black van was pulling up to the front entrance of the hospital. A tall black old man quickly came over to the passenger door and went over to open it and a middle-aged couple came out smiling at the old man. "Thank you, Nate, you can leave now to spend time with your family. Please tell Maria, I said hi," the female said.

Nate looked up at the couple. "Are you serious?"

The man nodded his head. "You've been traveling with us for six months and I bet Maria misses you a lot. Go and see her and we'll call you if we need you." The man placed his hand on the elderly guy's shoulder before they walked away.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bang and I'll pray for Mia," he yelled, hopping back into the car.

The middle-aged couple turned to look at each other before walking up to the front entrance. The security guy from before was sitting at his post reading the information that was in front of him. He didn't look up but just knew that two people were standing in front of him. "Name?"

"Um, Mr. Bang?" The middle-aged man said, curiously.

"Mr. Bang....?" The security guy mumbled the name before looking up and seeing who was standing in front of him. "Oh, I'm very sorry, go right in. You don't need to be checked."

Mrs. Bang chuckled softly as she said, "Is everything alright?"

The security guy shook his head, "well because of what happened to your daughter, Chief Moon put the hospital on high alert."

Mr. Bang rubbed the bottom of his chin as he thought about what the security guy had said. "Thank you for that information, I will take that into consideration."

The security guard nodded before the couple passed by him and into the hospital. "Do you think whoever hurt Mia would come back and do something to her?" Mrs. Bang asked with concern.

Mr. Bang honestly didn't know but didn't want to worry his wife about it. "Let's just head up to her and see what's going on."

He wrapped his arms around his wife's waist as they headed to the hospital. As they walked in they were greeted by medical staff, patients, and even visitors, all of that were praying for Mia's recovery.

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