7 - ɪs sʜᴇ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ?

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Hearing those words, Jiyeon quickly rushed out of the bathroom. She slipped a little due to the mess that was on the floor. They were all out of the bathroom and stood outside from it. "Yah, we can't just leave her in there," one of Jiyeon's minions cried.

Jiyeon ignored her as she fixed herself and rushed away from the bathroom. Her minions followed behind quickly, they did not realize that someone was watching them the whole time in the hall.

It was Zelo aka Junhong, he was just coming back from dropping off some papers when he saw the group of girls rush out of the girls' room. He heard them say something about leaving someone before they rushed away. He waited until they were long gone and walked towards the girls' room. He stood by the door and tapped twice. He yelled out a hello and waiting for a response. When he didn't hear anything he yelled out again. Still no response. He then slowly pushed the door open. The first things he saw were a pair of legs and the more he pushed the door open he saw that it was a female lying unconscious on the floor. He rushed over placing two fingers on the side of her neck.

He felt a light pulse coming from her. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Um...there's a girl knocked out in the girls' bathroom!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at XXX Arts school, please come quickly."

"Okay, we will get helped there right away. Could you tell me if she breathing?"

"She's breathing but faintly."

"Okay, well definitely get someone there as soon as possible. By chance do you know who she is?"

Junhong slowly went into Mia's pocket and managed to pull out her student ID. Her eyes went big when he realizes who was knocked out on the ground. "Shit," he mumbled to himself.

"Sir, are you still there? Do you know who she is?"

"It's....it's.........Mia Bang." He answered back her. At that moment the operator on the end started to mumble something to what appears to be their supervisor.

"She's Mr. Bang's stepdaughter?! Are you serious?! Get services there as quickly as possible."

"Sir, please stay there until help arrives, okay"

Junhong nodded his head as he stood in the bathroom with Mia. He inhaled the air to smell a whiff of fish in the air. As he stood by Mia's side he could hear her moan a little and slowly slip back out. He even noticed a small puddle of blood to the side of her head. 'Oh, this isn't good,' he thought.

He placed a hand on top of Mia's hoping that it would comfort her.

"Sir, we have EMT and police outside the premise, which bathroom are you currently in right?" The Operator asked Junhong.

Junhong thought about, "I'm near the one by the front entrances to the side."

The operator switched over to the emergency personnel to tell them. Not even a second later, the personnel pushed through the doors seeing Junhong sitting next to the unconscious Mia. Junhong jumped from the commotion as they all headed inside. "Be careful, there's something on the floor," Junhong told time.

The emergency personnel nodded as they carefully made their way to Junhong and Mia. They brought in the stretcher and a neck brace to support Mia's neck. "Ma'am, are you okay?" One of the EMTs asked.

Mia made a small moan but then slowly slipped back out again. "Let's get her out of here, NOW!!" The EMT ordered. Junhong stood stone frozen on what he should do until one of the officers turned to him. "Do you know what happened to her?"

Junhong shook his head no. "Found her like this, sir."

The police officer turned to the other officer as whispered something to each other. "Get in contact with her parents and tell them that their daughter is being rushed to the hospital." The officer nodded before grabbing his phone to call Mia's parents. Junhong ran his hands through his hair before realizing that his hands were covered with Mia's blood.

"Son, are you okay." The officer said to Junhong after realizing what he just did. All Junhong could do was shake his head no.

"This is so bad right now," he mumbled to himself. He rushed over to the sink and started to wash the blood from his hands. The officer ran over to him and grabbed his hands.

"Son stopped what you are doing." Junhong tried to pull his hand away but the officer was stronger. "This room is considered a crime scene, and you're washing evidence down the drain."

The officer took Junhong and guided him out of the bathroom as the CSI crew went inside to check the area. Out in the open, students were staring out from the classroom as teachers were standing in a circle with the Administration department. One of the teachers saw the officer and Junhong come out of the bathroom as they guided him out. "Is it true it was Mia Bang found in the bathroom?"

The person who speaks was Mrs. Williams. "It's true, she is being taken to the nearest hospital."

Mrs. Williams put her hands over her mouth. "Oh, God no." She cried. In her hand, she was holding on to Mia's school bag.

"Do you know the student, Mrs. Um?" The officer asked.

Mrs. William nodded her head. "Yes, she's, my student and also a friend of the family. Oh, my her mom's going to kill me."

"Don't worry we would definitely make her get the best care possible." He said to Mrs. William.

As word got out that the person being transported to the hospital that it was Mia.

Jiyeon sat at her desk fiddling her thumbs. She had her phone in front of her when it started to vibrate. She tapped the screen to see the messages from her minions.

"OMG, Jiyeon, they rushing her to the hospital."

"What if she dies?"

"I don't look good in orange?"

Jiyeon quickly turned off her phone and tossed it into her bag. She lifted her finger and placed a manicured finger in her mouth. All she wanted to do was scare Mia not to kill her and now if Mia doesn't wake up, she could be going to prison for murder. Jiyeon grabbed the top of her head and started to shake her rapidly.

"This can't be happening!" She yelled.


As Mrs. Williams was talking to the officer the other officer walked back over. "Sir I was unable to get in contact with her parents but I did get in contact with her brother. He is right now on the way to the hospital."

The officer in charge nodded his head and turned to take his leave. He had already spoken with the CSI crew and they were going to stay a little bit longer due to that they had to take turns going to the bathroom because of the smell. He turned his attention to the shook Junhong. "let's go kid."

All Junhong could do was listen to the voice of the officer. He was already explained that he wasn't being investigated but they wanted to take him down to the station for more questioning. They had already called his parents who would be meeting him down there.

They were heading out when Mrs. Williams forgot to tell them something. "Sir here is Mia's school bag, can you give it to her brother. Also, I think there's something else you need to be aware of."

The officer in charge took the school bag. "And what is that?"

Mrs. William swallowed the saliva that was in her mouth. "I think Mia's pregnant."


Also wanted to say that I'm sorry to leave these chapters with a cliffhanger while I'm away as well. 🙇🙇


IN TIME, I'LL BE ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora