1 - sʜᴇ's ʏᴏᴜʀ sɪsᴛᴇʀ?!

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The doors of the high school building flew open with a loud bang sound

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The doors of the high school building flew open with a loud bang sound. Standing in between them was a 6'0 tall man dressed in all black with a hoodie on his head. A bit of his hair peeked through as he glared through the hallway of the school.

Right behind him was a 5'2 black female, who had a worried look on her face. She was scared of those who stood in his way especially one person he was looking for. The tall guy continued to scan the hallway until he found who he was looking for. He was like a lion seeking out his prey.

His eyes locked on as his body stormed forward to the culprit. The female quickly rushed behind the tall guy afraid of what the outcome will be in the end. The tall man passed down the hallway as students and faculty quickly backed themselves against the wall to get out of his way.

A student coming out of one of the classrooms noticed how quiet it was until he saw who was storming down the hallway. From where he was he literally jumped back into the classroom slamming the door behind him.

The tall man finally approached the person he was looking for and stood there with his hands crossed over his chest. The guy was looking down at the female when he noticed the man standing next to them. He nodded a greeting and went back to talking to the female from before.

When the tall guy did not like what he did, he let out a huffed before grabbing the guy by his letter jacket and picking him up, and tossing him against the locker.

Screams and cries could be heard when the shorter guy's body hit the side of the locker. The taller guy then picked up the guy and tossed him over to the other row of lockers. The shorter guy tried using his hands to pick himself up as blood spit out of his mouth.

The taller guy stepped towards as he reached his arms out to pick up the shorter guy. The shorter guy tried slapping away the taller man's hand but he was too slow. The taller guy was able to reach and grabbed the guy by the collar of his jacket. He tightens his grip making sure that the shorter guy couldn't get out of his grip.

He stared long and hard at the shorter guy who was struggling to get out of his grip. He smirked to the side of his mouth before he started to speak. "Now that I have your attention," The tall man said in his deep voice. "Do you know that female standing to the right of us?"

The shorter man cough trying to catch his breath as he slowly turned his head to notice the person the tall guy was talking about.

Standing to the right of them was the female that had walked in behind the tall guy. She was standing with her hands in front of her and once in a while shifting her glasses that were on her face. She was in the school uniform who was two sizes too big for her. The shorter guy saw her and laugh out loud. "What does she have to do with this, Yongguk?"

Yongguk snarled as he slammed the man against the lockers again. "She has a lot to do with the fuck you did to her.

"All she is to me is someone that helped me with my studies, that's it." The guy said back to Yongguk. As he spits out more blood from his mouth.

Still holding onto the guy by his collar, Yongguk chuckled a deep laugh as he used his left hand to run his fingers through his hair. "This person that you say helped you with your so-called studies is my baby sister."

As soon as Yongguk said that, all eyes darted to the female that stood nervously next to the two guys. The crowd was whispering as they heard the news. The guy being held up almost choked in the air that he was breathing. "She's your sister?!"

"Is that a problem," Yongguk asked, lifting his eyes to the guy he was holding.

The lad shook his head no confirming that there's was no problem. "Alright, I'm glad that we have that taking care of. Now let's get to the serious matter, Jongup."

Jongup who was still struggled now wanted to know what was so serious that caused this guy to barged into the school doing what he just did to him. "What's so important about her?"

Yongguk turned to look around to see all eyes were on him as they waiting for him to say what he needed to say. He even noticed security coming into the building to take him out also. His eyes then moved down to the person who was the most important person to him right now.

His sister.

She moved her eyes up to stare back at her brother. In those eyes, showed scared and frighten inside. She shook her hand telling him that now is not the time. Slowly, Yongguk dropped Jongup who was coughing as he tried to breathed properly. Yongguk then slammed his right fist into the locker, before storming away.

"I'll meet up with you later and you better answer or next time I won't let you off so easy," he said. He flipped his hoodie back over his head as he headed out of the school.

The female who was standing there, stepped forward to help Jongup up but he pushed her hand away. He shot a death glare at her. "You told him, didn't you?!" He yelled out to her. The girl stepped back as she held the hand that was slapped.

"I had to. I had no other choice," she said as tears started to fall down her face.

Just then a deep voice pushed its way through the crowd to the female. "Mia, let's go!"

Mia then backed away as she turned her attention to the voice who was calling her. The female that was talking to Jongup and a couple of his friends came over and helped him get up as Mia walked out of the building holding the front of her stomach.






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